There is almost no teachers and lecturers in schools and universities, engineers to conduct studies in Ministries or public officials to serve in municipalities. Bianet Piraniya namzetên dermanê nû (NCE) di dema pêşxistina dermanê de têk diçin, an ji ber ku toksîtebûna ...
Tournaments are not a big part of what we do at the CSG, far less than many HEMA schools, but I *do* think that developing martial artists need a chance to test themselves against people from outside their school, outside their art. I *don’t* think tournament fighting is any more ...
The Irish were not so different in this regard; schools of stick fighting are recorded around the country, sometimes near places of important fairs such as Tipperary where faction fights regularly went on. Professional teachers of the art seem to have been numerous. Down, apparently, to the ...