Despite by best efforts, it proved impossible for me to get to Tim’s Spada e Rodella (sword and round shield) class, although it received rave reviews from my students, as did Lopes’ Dutch dagger fighting class, which one my students dubbed: just like Fiore, only meaner and more vindi...
closedaround GreeksDisentangling our sources which whichtend biasimplanted laterAthenianlandowners hopliteclass who had shown little initiative since Marathon denigrateThemistocles ‘navyparty’ easyAristeides Just’ispurported havereturned from exile crucialmoment whichitis claimed hewho told Themistocles Greek...
Like many stick fighting arts, bataireacht was a vernacular fighting art. It was practised mostly by the working class, and only started to attract the attention of the elites – who were most of the time the ones responsible for written history – by the mid 18thcentury, at a time wher...