If you’re generating enough sales that you’re breaking even and able to pay your bills (or even better, save!), it may be time to think about developing your next product or service. In this stage, you’ll definitely want a content strategy that springs from a “soap box” or rally...
NOTE: If you use any ai tool in order to generate content for websites (create blog posts, blog post ideas, marketing ideas), you should start by making a content strategy. The AI content generator will help you write faster and get more content but can’t help you create a marketing ...
Addressing these key points should help you reduce your cart abandonment rate and redirect a good portion of shoppers that don’t initially complete their purchase. So in the long run, you can create a better customer experience, boost conversions and build stronger brand loyalty. One of the be...
How content strategy can helpMargot BloomsteinContent Strategy at Work
Before you can build an effective content strategy, mobile or otherwise, you have to know exactly what you’re working with. That’s where content models come in — they’re a way to give your content an organizational structure without defining its form, and they’re very important to your...
In most of the popular web self-service channels likeforums, knowledge bases, and FAQs, CONTENT plays the BIGGEST role. So to maximize these self-help channels, it’s important to keep improving their content. Of course, it’s not possible to improve the help material without knowing what ...
When you build your help docs in Re:amaze, you can take advantage of its drag-and-drop-style editor, and then embed your content into your website or app, right alongside Re:amaze's chat widget. Whenever a customer gets in touch, you'll see their account inside your app, with all ...
Import content from file types such as RTF, HTML, and CHM help files Screenshot tool for easy tutorial images Build tag feature for conditional document compilation 7. Dr.Explain Best for: Dr.Explain is useful for software development companies that need an affordable solution, whether freelancers...
"Blogging is still one of the best ways to build out your online presence. For smaller websites, creating topical blog posts enables you to create keyword-rich content that tells potential site visitors and search engines what your brand is all about—this can be a crucial advantage for local...
Now is the time to build real relationships with your customers. Show them that you have their back. Please treat them with respect and value their patronage with your actions. As you navigate difficult times, your relationships with your customers can build lifelong customer loyalty. So, think...