6. McMillan R, et al. Molecular pathways: the hedgehog signaling pathway in cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2012;18(18):4883-4888.7. Skoda AM, et al. The role of the Hedgehog signaling pathway in cancer: A comprehensive review. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2018;18(1):8-20. Published 2018 Feb ...
刺猬信号通路(英语:Hedgehog signaling pathway)是重要的信号传导通路。共有五种刺猬因子:音猬因子(Sonic hedgehog,SHH)、沙漠刺猬因子(desert hedgehog,DHH)、印度刺猬因子(Indian hedgehog,IHH)、Echidna Hedgehog,EHH和Tiggywinkle Hedgehog,TwHH)。仅在鱼类中发现有EHH和TwHH,哺乳类和其他动物中没有这两种刺猬因子。
细胞内受体介导的信号传递:受体可直接穿透细胞膜,所以是一些亲脂性小分子;NO气体信号分子,NO也是神经细胞的重要信号分子,nNOS神经元。 Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule crucial for many physiological processes such as synaptic plasticity, vasomotricity, and inflammation. Neuronal nitric oxid...
12. Bariwal J, et al. Design of Hedgehog pathway inhibitors for cancer treatment. Med Res Rev. 2019;39(3):1137-1204. 13. Xin M, Wang B, et al. Strategies to target the Hedgehog signaling pathway for cancer therapy. Med Res Rev. 2018;38(3):870-913....
Hedgehog Signaling: An Achilles' Heel in Cancer. Transl Oncol. 2019;12(10):1334-1344.12. Bariwal J, et al. Design of Hedgehog pathway inhibitors for cancer treatment. Med Res Rev. 2019;39(3):1137-1204.13. Xin M, Wang B, et al. Strategies to target the Hedgehog signaling pathway ...
2022年12月26日,中山大学附属第六医院黄建林教授课题组联合中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院巫林平研究员课题组在Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids上刊发了题为“Chemically modified small interfering RNA targeting Hedgehog signaling pathway for rheumatoid arthritis therapy”的研究。该研究采用RNA干扰及化学修饰技术...
A novel signaling pathway mediated by the nuclear targeting of C-terminal fragments of mam- malian Patched [J]. PLoS One,2 ,6(4):e 8638. [ 2] Chinchilla P,Xiao L,Kazanietz MG,et al. Hedgehog proteins acti- vate pro -angiogenic responses in endothelial cells through non - canonical ...
1.wekipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedgehog_signaling_pathway 2.snapshothttp://www.cell.com/pb/assets/raw/journals/research/snapshots/PIIS0092867407009105.pdf 3.Hooper J E, Scott M P. Communicating with hedgehogs[J]. Nature reviews Molecular cell biology, 2005, 6(4): 306-317. 4....
6. McMillan R, et al. Molecular pathways: the hedgehog signaling pathway in cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2012;18(18):4883-4888. 7. Skoda AM, et al. The role of the Hedgehog signaling pathway in cancer: A comprehensive review. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2018;18(1):8-20. Published 2018 Feb...