视频: 刺猬信号通路Hedgehog Signaling 刺猬信号通路(英语:Hedgehog signaling pathway)是重要的信号传导通路。共有五种刺猬因子:音猬因子(Sonic hedgehog,SHH)、沙漠刺猬因子(desert hedgehog,DHH)、印度刺猬因子(Indian hedgehog,IHH)、Echidna Hedgehog,EHH和Tiggywinkle Hedgehog,TwHH)。仅在鱼类中发现有EHH和TwHH,哺...
Liu Y, Guerrero-Juarez C F, Xiao F, et al. Hedgehog signaling reprograms hair follicle niche fibroblasts to a hyper-activated state[J]. Developmental Cell, 2022. [2]Paladini R D, Saleh J, Qian C, et al. Modulation of hair growth with small molecule agonists of the hedgehog signaling pa...
同年,MOLECULAR CANCER上发表的“Circular RNA circIPO11 drives self-renewal of liver cancer initiating cells via Hedgehog signaling”一文指出,circIPO11通过激活Hh信号通路驱动肝脏肿瘤干细胞(cancer stem cells,CSCs)的自我更新并促进肝细胞癌(Hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)的增殖,针对circIPO11的反义寡核苷酸(ASO...
信号转导特点:特异性;放大效应;网络化与反馈;整合作用; 细胞内受体介导的信号传递:受体可直接穿透细胞膜,所以是一些亲脂性小分子;NO气体信号分子,NO也是神经细胞的重要信号分子,nNOS神经元。 Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule crucial for many physiological processes such as synaptic plasticit...
Hedgehog signaling: a biophysical or biomechanical modulator in embryonic development? Ann N Y Acad Sci . 2007;1101:412–438.Nagase, T., Nagase, M., Machida, M., Yamagishi, M. 2007. Hedgehog signaling: a biophysical or biomechanical modulator in embryonic development? Ann. N. Y. Acad. ...
The past decade has seen significant advances in our understanding of Hedgehog (HH) signaling pathway in various biological events. HH signaling pathway exerts its biological effects through a complex signaling cascade involved with primary cilium. HH si
11. Niyaz M, et al. Hedgehog Signaling: An Achilles' Heel in Cancer. Transl Oncol. 2019;12(10):1334-1344.12. Bariwal J, et al. Design of Hedgehog pathway inhibitors for cancer treatment. Med Res Rev. 2019;39(3):1137-1204.13. Xin M, Wang B, et al. Strategies to target the ...
Hedgehog signalingis central to growth, patterning, and morphogenesis of many tissues within the developing embryo, and thus its misregulation leads to multiple pathologies. The hedgehog ligand was originally discovered in aDrosophilamutagenesis screen and named after its corresponding mutant whose larval ...
12. Bariwal J, et al. Design of Hedgehog pathway inhibitors for cancer treatment. Med Res Rev. 2019;39(3):1137-1204. 13. Xin M, Wang B, et al. Strategies to target the Hedgehog signaling pathway for cancer therapy. Med Res Rev. 2018;38(3):870-913....
细胞应激生物学国家重点实验室、福建省器官与组织再生重点实验室、厦门市再生医学重点实验室、厦门大学医学院-许韧教授课题组与美国康奈尔大学威尔医学院病理学系/美国特种外科医院-Matthew Greenblatt教授实验室合作在 Nature Communications上发表题为SLITRK5 is a negative regulator of hedgehog signaling in osteoblasts ...