Distribution of Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface Soil Samples in China A Graphical Review.分布在表层土壤样品中重金属污染在中国图形审查 热度: Effects of heavy metals in soil on microbial processes and populations (a review).pdf 热度: controls on the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in soils-a...
Heavy metal contamination of soils is one of the major environmental problems of regular flooding of rivers. Various studies have shown that vegetation spectra are influenced by soil contamination. The main objective of this study was to... JGPW Clevers,L Kooistra - 《Proceedings of Earsel Work...
Heavy metal contamination of urban topsoils in a typical region of Loess Plateau, China Heavy metals pollution of city soil has become a serious environmental issue. Attention has been given to the issue of soil contamination in big cities, bu... Y Hu,D Wang,L Wei,... - 《Journal of ...
This study evaluates the heavy metal (As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn) contamination in soil, surface water, and crops in Uthai District, Ayutthaya Province, Thailand, an agricultural area located near an industrial park. Further, the blood levels of these metals in residents living in the stu...
Heavy metal contamination of soil resulting from wastewater irrigation is a cause of serious concern due to the potential health impacts of consuming contaminated produce. In this study an assessment is made of the impact of wastewater irrigation on heavy metal contamination of Beta vulgaris (palak)...
refers to a variety of methods that apply green plants for removing contamination of soil, water (Branquinho et al, 2006) or even from air (Morikawa and Cem Erkin, 2003). In this study, two methods are examined as follows: Phytoextraction: This heavy metal removal method depends on the nat...
The problem in China is that the provinces with the highest rates of soil contamination are also provinces with the largest amount of food production. This results in high contamination of food, with 13.86 % of grain produced in China being affected by heavy metal contamination. Hunan Province ...
Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil and Vegetation in the Vicinity of Industries in Bangladesh A study was conducted to investigate the heavy metal contamination of soil and vegetation in the vicinity of industries around Dhaka city in Bangladesh. Ca... MA Kashem,BR Singh - 《Water Air & Soil ...
In general, the pollution level of heavy metal in Liaoning was at low risk level, but it still needs to pay attention to the health risk of heavy metal and the input of heavy metal into the soil, especially cadmium (Cd). This study provides a comprehensive assessment of soil heavy metal...