Larger accumulation of arsenic in soils has led to the realization on the part of researchers to generate information for developing cost-effective agro-technologies for alleviating metal toxicity in environment. Cadmium availability in soil may be influenced by the application of other metallic cations...
Elevated metal concentrations in soils can disturb the soil ecosystem; thus, researcherss rive to identify the most sensitive assay for detection of the early signs of toxicity. The purpose of the present study was to compare eight different ecotoxicological endpoints on the same set of metal-conta...
关键词土壤;重金属污染;修复中图分类号 X53 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007—5739(2011)24—0295—03 TheRemediationofHeavyMetalPOUutioninSoil LIXuan-tong LUWei-sheng LIQian UYong-jan ZHENGFei-teng (’AgriculturalServiceCenterofXiaolanTowninZhongshanCityofGuangdongProvince,ZhongshanGuangdong528415; Collegeof...
Over the past decades, heavy metals contamination in agricultural soil has drawn international attention1. Apart from being naturally introduced through parent materials, the elevation of heavy metals in farmland soil mainly results from anthropogenic activities such as wastewater irrigation, unqualified fert...
closely related to soil ecosystem in all aspects,which was often used as a significant biological index to evaluate soil quality.This article summarized the influence of heavy metal toxicity to soil animal 's community structure,activity,food searching,reproduction,and physiological toxicity and so on...
Here, through the "front page filtering " script and successive screening of the relevant studies, the research status of heavy metal pollution in the soil of contaminated sites worldwide and especially in China had been synthetically analyzed. The result showed that China and USA were the most ...
Critical risk analysis of metals toxicity in wastewater irrigated soil and crops: a study of a semi-arid developing region ArticleOpen access30 July 2020 Risk assessment and soil heavy metal contamination near marble processing plants (MPPs) in district Malakand, Pakistan ...
The health risks arising from heavy metal pollution (HMP) in agricultural soils have attracted global attention, and research on the accumulation of heavy metals in soil-plant systems is the basis for human health risk assessments. This review studied the accumulation of seven typical heavy metals—...
in the soil.The main objective of this study was to analysis the characteristics contaminated of heavy metal and to assess the degree of pollution in the study area.The total concentrations of Cd,Pb,Zn,and Cu were determined by AAS.The investigation indicated the heavy metal content is very ...
In China, soil in the agricultural regions has been partly contaminated by heavy metal, which lead to the decreasing availability of farmland3. The over standard rate of soil pollution is 16.1%, among which the Cd, As, Hg, Pb, Cr over standard rates of heavy metals are as high as 7.00...