Jasik.Heavy metal (Zn, Pb, Cd) concentration in soil and moss (Pleurozium schreberii) in the Brynica district, southern Poland.IFOREST-BIOGEOSCIENCES AND FORESTRY. 2011Pająk. M. and Jasik, M. (2011). Heavy metal (Zn, Pb, Cd) concentration in soil and moss (Pleurozium schreberii) ...
Also, the recent results were compared with the data from previous work and it was concluded that there has been a certain increase of the Pb concentration in the past three years. The level of pollution in playground soil was very high and each analyzed sample exceeded the Dutch target ...
Determination of heavy metal concentration in soils used for cultivation of Allium sativum L. (garlic) in East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region, EthiopiaThe study was carried out to investigate the concentrations of micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Mo) in agricultural soils and garlic (Allium ...
Heavy metal concentration in soil extracts, irrigation water samples, and grain samples was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Average metal concentrations in soil were calculated and compared with the reference value in soil. In most cases, heavy metals in agricultural soil (Ni: 61.73–...
These remediation techniques focus on reducing the maximum or bioavailable concentration of heavy metal in the soil11,12. Although these methods have high performance, most of them are expensive, harmful to the environment and time-consuming13,14. These traditional methods to remediate polluted soil ...
Heavy Metal Concentration Survey in Soils and Plants of the Les Malines Mining District (Southern France): Implications for Soil Restoration Mining activities generate spoils and effluents with extremely high metal concentrations of heavy metals that might have adverse effects on ecosystems and ... J...
Heavymetalconcentrationsinredevelopingsoilofminespoilunderplantations ofcertainnativewoodyspeciesindrytropicalenvironment,India AnandN.Singh, ’,ZENGDe—hui,CHENFu—sheng,。 (1.InstituteofAppliedEcology,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Shenyang110016,China.E.mail:ansingh@iae.ac.ca;2.GraduateSchoolof ChineseAcademyof...
Similarly, the mean heavy metal concentrations in soil were below the Indian standards for all heavy metals, but the maximum value of Cd recorded during January was higher than the standard. However, in the edible portion of B. vulgaris, the Cd concentration was higher than the permissible ...
Comparison of obtainedmetal concentration levels with other areas in theworld revealed elevated values for Cd and Pb, showinga considerable amount of pollution in the area.Continuous monitoring and further studies of the areaare recommended to ascertain long-term effect that mayhave not yet been ...
青海东部地区土壤重金属污染评价 The evaluation of heavy metals pollution in soil of eastern Qinghai 热度: Survey of heavy metal pollution and assessment of agricultural soil in Yangzhong district China 热度: 云南个旧锡矿区大屯盆地土壤重金属污染与生态风险评价 Heavy metal pollution and ecological risk ass...