(2010). Right and access to healthcare for undocumented children: addressing the gap between international conventions and disparate implementation in North America and Europe. Social Science & Medicine, 70(2), 329e336.Ruiz-Casares M, Rousseau C, Derluyn I, Watters C, Crepeau F: Right and ...
Access to health insurance is very limited for immigrants living in the U.S. – both undocumented immigrants and permanent residents. But a new survey has found that many U.S. adults who work on behalf of children think undocumented immigrant children should have access to healthcare equal to ...
p. 3). Others perceived volunteering not only as a fundamental human duty but also as a responsibility, especially when others neglect their responsibility to care for undocumented migrants and address their healthcare needs (Sandblom
Universal health coverage for undocumented migrants in the WHO European region: a long way to go. Lancet Reg Health–Europe. 2024;41. Cheng I-H, Drillich A, Schattner P. Refugee experiences of general practice in countries of resettlement: a literature review. Br J Gen Pract. 2015;65(632...
The World Health Organization has indicated that achieving universal health coverage (UHC) through public sector service delivery alone would not be possible. This calls for corporation, collaboration and partnership between the public and the private se
Chicas is a bilingual, bicultural investigator – and her path to nursing wasn’t a straight one. She immigrated to the United States from El Salvador as a child, where she was undocumented before receiving temporary protected status that allowed her to work in the U.S., which she did in...
Undocumented immigrants face many obstacles in accessing emergency healthcare. Legal uncertainties, economic constraints, language differences, and cultural disparities lead to delayed medical care and thereby exacerbate health inequities. Addressing the
The primary outcome was academic, social, and emotional self-efficacy, measured using the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children. We separated participants into high and low self-efficacy groups based on scores in each domain. Using thematic analysis, we identified and compared common themes ...
Right and access to healthcare for undocumented children: Addressing the gap between international conventions and disparate implementations in North Ameri... Limited access to healthcare for vulnerable immigrant children in Europe and North America is increasingly worrisome as immigration policies harden. ...
Cimas, M., Gullon, P., Aguilera, E., Meyer, S., Freire, J.M., Perez-Gomez, B.: Healthcare coverage for undocumented migrants in Spain: Regional differences after Royal Decree Law 16/2012. Health Policy (New York) 120, 384–395 (2016) Article Google Scholar Bacigalupe, A., Mart...