Andre J-M, Azzedine F. Access to healthcare for undocumented migrants in France: a critical examina- tion of State Medical Assistance. Public Health Reviews. 2016; 37(5).Jean-Marie Andre J-M, Azzedine F. Access to healthcare for undocumented migrants in France: a critical examination of ...
California will soon become one of the first states to provide free health care to all low-income immigrants living in the state illegally.
Access to health care for undocumented migrants in Europe.This editorial looks at how the withholding of health care to illegal immigrants is happening in Europe and being used as a weapon in immigration control. The author says refusing treatment to this population is against United Nations ...
Health care for undocumented migrants: European approaches. Issue Brief (Commonw Fund). 2012;33: 1–12. 36 submit your manuscript | Dovepress HIV/AIDS – Research and Palliative Care 2014:6 Dovepress HIV/AIDS health services in cross country migrants: a scoping review 23....
The article focuses on denunciation and the threat that it poses in the access of health care to undocumented migrants in the Great Britain. The author discusses the trend across European states where denial of health care is used as an instrument of immigration policy. Particular focus is also...
" said Regenstrief Institute Research Scientist and IU School of Medicine Professor of Medicine Alexia Torke, M.D., M.S., senior author of the new study. "The high level of moral distress over providing sub-standard care to undocumented individuals with end-stage kidney disease should be ...
Barriers to health care for undocumented immigrants: a literature review With the unprecedented international migration seen in recent years, policies that limit health care access have become prevalent. Barriers to health care ... H Karen,AM Elise,F Barbara,... - 《Risk Management & Healthcare ...
In particular, pre-existing norms of regional protection towards orphans, the homeless and sex workers provide building blocks that enable regional governments to protect the right of healthcare for undocumented immigrants. This argument connects migration research to the study of comparative federalism, ...
This approach became evident in the subsequent studies: (Fabi and Taylor2019; Armin2019; Hoekstra2021). In a U.S. study led by Armin, the focus was on delineating advocacy initiatives among diverse healthcare providers overseeing specialized cancer care, including undocumented individuals excluded fr...
The plight of the undocumented in the United States elicits strong feelings on both sides of the debate. One viewpoint takes a strict immigration policy perspective and opposes the ability of the undocumented to access publicly financed programs and services including access to health care. Without ...