Moreover, while some papers have touched upon ethical challenges and their intersection with advocacy efforts for undocumented migrants (Berlinger and Raghavan2013; Berlinger2019; Kuczewski2019), a systematic examination of these challenges and their implications for healthcare practice has been lacking. T...
For changes in social activities, participants were asked how often they have participated in the following activities compared to before the outbreak – shopping, walking, gathering (with more than five people), and visiting other family members such as relatives. Possible response options were “...
“The finalized policies in the Rate Announcement will make improvements to keep Medicare Advantage payments up-to-date and accurate, and ensure that people with Medicare have access to robust and affordable health care options.” Healthcare Reform Update for January 4, 2024 Marketplace enrollment...
Profit over people, I guess. I lived in India in 2008 and had a health scare. I walked into a top hospital, saw the head of the ER, a specialist, got a biopsy, a mammogram, and results on a scanned card and printed in a folder I got to take from appointment to appointment, all...
While participants in our study appreciated the exposure to providers and healthcare career options, they expressed discouragement by limited URM representation and the absence of people like themselves specifically in medical school. Previous work has shown broadly that a sense of belonging or alignment...
Psychological distress among young people is increasing in Northern Europe. According to established healthcare utilization theory, this will create a greater need for youth primary healthcare and subsequently lead to more help-seeking behavior by distressed young people. The aim of this study was to...
CEO | The People’s Health Clinic LinkedIn Dr. Mairi Leining is the CEO of The People’s Health Clinic (PHC), a free community clinic that serves as an essential safety net for the uninsured residents of Summit and Wasatch Counties. Most PHC patients are undocumented residents who live belo...
‘undocumented’ (defined as lacking symptoms severe enough to be confirmed/observed) or ‘documented’ (defined as having symptoms severe enough to be confirmed/observed) [29]. A third study incorporated asymptomatic viral load estimates that might be more representative of presymptomatic or ...
5. What's the Argument Against Requiring Undocumented Immigrants to Buy Insurance? The idea is that if you're going to require people to buy insurance, there should be affordable options. If you exclude certain immigrants from accessing the cheaper, government-backed options, that could make the...
Some participants thought that people are treated differently, based on dominant societal stereotypes, with respect to their specific ethnocultural practices. For example the tendency for immigrant women to have larger families than Canadian women: “We tend to have many like the East Africans, Somali...