Introduction: Hepatitis C virus transmission has been reported in donors who were negative in nucleic acid amplification tests (NAT) for viral RNA. Donors who were HCV antibody negative, but PCR positive for HCV RNA, have been noted in several case reports. We report the failure to detect ...
Among anti-HCV positive individuals negative HCV-RNA(PCR) is a reliable proof of successful HCV elimination after infection. It was shown that HCV core antigen is in a very good quantitative correlation with HCV-RNA. We used this possibility to analyse presence of HCV in different age groups ...
Within the HCV antibody-negative group, the mean values of ASAT, ALAT and gammaglutamiltransferase were higher ( P < 0.001, P < 0.001 and P < 0.02, respectively) in the HCV PCR-positive versus the HCV PCR-negative patients. No significant differences were found in the liver enzyme values...
Among the 610 positive cases fluorescent PCR test gave rise to 490 cases of positive HCV-RNA(80.32%,49 / 610);in 148 590 samples with negative anti-HCV 298 cases were identified for HCV-RNA by fluorescent PCR test. (0.2%,298 /148 590). Conclusion Additional application of HCV RNA ...
Relevance of RIBA-3 supplementary test to HCV PCR positivity and genotypes for HCV confirmation of blood donors HCV antibody screening of 624,910 blood donations resulted in 3,832 samples being referred for confirmation. All were tested by RIBA-3 with 2,710 negative,... C B.,Dow,I.,......
Only one (3%) of the 35 patients negative for anti-HCVcore tested positive to RT-PCR. These findings indicate the overwhelming prevalence of HCV infection in Japanese patients with chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis and a close relationship between the presence of anti-HCVcore and chronic ...
HBsAg and HCV-Ab positive blood donors in 24 weeks (maximum window period) after ELISA and nucleic acid detection can be negative. Return blood donation team. The HbsAg and HCV-Ab positive blood donors, who were negative by the ELISA and nucleic acid detection after the 24 week (maximum ...
The Investigation of HCV RNA in Tear Fluid and Aqueous Humor in Patients with Anti-HCV Antibody Positive Who Underwent Cataract Surgery positive patients and may be useful in the diagnosis of HCV infection in anti-HCV-negative immunosuppressed patients or in those with early acute infection... M...
以聚合酶链反应(PCR)或重组免疫印迹法(RIBA)[14, 15]为诊断金标准。 1.1.4 结局指标 敏感度(sensitivity,SEN)、特异度(specificity,SPE)、阳性似然比(positive likelihood ratio,+LR)、阴性似然比(negative likelihood ratio,-LR)、诊断比值比(diagnostic odds ratio,DOR)和汇总受试者工作特征曲线(SROC曲线)下...
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core antigen detection in HCV RNA–positive/anti‐HCV –negative Polish blood donors identified by nucleic acid testing In this stuyd, 45 plasma samples from anti-HCV antibody-negative/HCV RNA-positive (window period) donors from Poland identified during nucleic acid testin...