在HCV抗体检测结果呈阳性或模棱两可、不确定的情况下,应进行丙型肝炎病毒核酸(HCV RNA)检测,以评估是否存在活动性病毒血症。如果HCV RNA检测呈阳性,则可确认存在活动性HCV感染,并有必要进一步检测HCV的基因型,并开始指导治疗。 对于抗-HCV呈阳...
False-positive serologyBackground: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) status cannot be reliably predicted in anti-HCV positive/HCV-RNA negative individuals who may either have recovered spontaneously or have a false-positive test due to antibody cross-reaction. Investigating T lymphocyte responses in individuals ...
In this stuyd, 45 plasma samples from anti-HCV antibody-negative/HCV RNA-positive (window period) donors from Poland identified during nucleic acid testing (NAT) and 32 follow-up anti-HCV antibody-positive samples were tested retrospectively for HCV core antigen by Ortho Clinical Diagnostics first...
Kidney transplantation from a donor who is HCV antibody positive and HCV-RNA negative.doi:10.1016/S0041-1345(00)01572-4T.TokumotoandK.TanabeandT.SimizuandH.SDOSTransplantation Proceedings
loadingandthechemiluminescenceimmunoassay(CIIA){ordetectinganti—HCVantibody.Methods 587samplesofanti—HCVan— tibodypositivedetectedbyCLIAwerefurteherdetectedHCV-RNAbyFQ_PCR.Results Among587samplesofanti—HCVanti— bodypositivebytheCIIAscreening.225sampleswereHCV—RNAnegativeand362sampleswereHCV—RNApositivedetect...
的应用价值,H C V GA b 检测值升高和H C V GR N A 阳性的患者发生A L T 异常的可能性更大,临床可对三者实验结果进行预判和印证.关键词:丙型肝炎病毒抗体;㊀丙型肝炎病毒核糖核酸;㊀丙氨酸氨基转移酶 中图分类号:R 512.6+3㊀㊀文献标识码:A A nA n a l y s i s o fH e p ...
HCV genotypes in Swedish blood donors as correlated to epidemiology, liver disease and hepatitis C virus antibody profile. Sixty-two anti-HCV and HCV-RNA positive Swedish blood donors (44 men, 18 women; median age 34 years) were studied. HCV genotypes were correlated to parente... S Shev,...
Moreover HCVAg has been demonstrated to considerably reduce the window period in 97% of HCV-RNA positive/anti-HCV antibody negative specimens demonstrating that it represents a reliable marker of viral replication even in HCV pre-seroconversion phase [13, 19, 20]. To date, little data are ...
中文检索词包括化学发光法、化学发光酶免分析法、化学发光微粒子免疫分析法、电化学发光法、HCV、HCV病毒抗体、抗-HCV、HCV抗体;英文检索词包括chemiluminescence assay、chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay、chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay、electro-chemiluminescence immunoassay、hepatitis C antibody、anti-HCV、HCV-...
200份无偿献血者标本进行HCV的检 测.结果 ELISA法检测抗-HCV阳性标本610例,阴性标本148590例,610例阳性标本中用荧光PCR 检测出HCV RNA阳性 490例,占80.32%,148 590份抗-HCV阴性标本中HCV RNA阳性298例,占0.2%.结论 用ELISA法检测抗-HCV,去除 抗-HCV阳性血液,在此基础上对抗-HCV阴性血液加做HCV RNA核酸检测...