We used ancestral state reconstruction to find major population patterns in the L5'7 tree. We used largest possible population groupings to capture old and distinct genetic structure: Khoisan-speakers, RFHGs, Bantu, Niger-Congo (non-Bantu), Nilo-Saharan, Afro-Asiatic, and Arabic. Several sequenc...
Interestingly, recent aDNA studies have revealed a significant shared ancestry between Neolithic populations from the Zagros Mountains in Iran and contemporary populations from South Asia, suggesting eastward migration of people from that region to South Asia already at least in the Neolithic timeframe34...
WhileL3individuals are found all over Africa, including the southern reaches of sub-Sahara,L3is important for its movements north. You can follow this movement of the map above, seeing first the expansions ofL1/L0, thenL2, and followed by the northward migration ofL3.YourL3 ancestors are th...
Mapping the locations of our direct maternal ancestors helps us see similarities and differences in migration patterns. This page displays a map of the earliest known direct maternal ancestors for project members. To display all members of the project, select All from the drop-down menu. You may...
Figure 6 displays a surface map with the geographic variations of U6 haplogroup around the Mediterranean. Whilst this kind of analysis only permits to broadly visualize the phylogeography of U6 [and not migration times] it specially highlights how the Atlantic façade of Morocco –including the ...
This point of view is compatible with the attrib- uted date for the origin of the mutation that defines haplogroup V (4577 NlaIII), but it does not need to resort to migrationist models to explain this mutation's distribution in Indo-European populations. Acknowledgments This work was ...
Data were compared with a simplified map of mtDNA lineages from www.mitomap.org. Participants were sorted into the following mtDNA haplogroups or macrohaplogroups: L0,1,2,4,5,6; L3; H; HV; J; K; T; U; UK; B-P-F-R; M; and N-A-Y-W-I-X. Participants were then grouped ...
A Southwest Asian origin and dispersal to North Africa in the Early Upper Palaeolithic era has been inferred in previous studies for mtDNA haplogroups M1 and U6. Both haplogroups have been proposed to show similar geographic patterns and shared demograph
and on contrasting patterns of patri- and matrilineal heritage, as well as reliable time estimates. To evaluate whether high-resolution phylogeographic data from hg U7 could provide new clues on the prehistory and ancestral origins of the modern-day populations that currently harbour this haplogroup,...
by the immigrants from Northeast Asia.1,3,9 The earlier proposition of Central Asian origin of Tibetans due to high frequency of D*-M174 sub-haplogroup of Y-chromosome10 has been opposed by a recent study,11 suggesting its southern origin in East Asia followed by a northward migration. Simi...