Distribution map of haplogroup I2a1 in Europe Haplogroup I2a2 (Y-DNA) Distribution map of haplogroup I2a2 in Europe Haplogroup R1 (Y-DNA) Distribution map of haplogroup R1 in Europe Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA) Distribution map of haplogroup R1a in Europe, the Middle East & North Africa ...
Nevertheless, substantial minorities of other haplogroups have been found on different Neolithic sites next to a G2a majority, including C1a2, H2, I*, I2a1, I2c, and J2a in Anatolia, C1a2, E-M78, H2, I*, I1, I2a, I2a1, J2 and T1a in Southeast and Central Europe (Starčevo,...
Ancient DNA (aDNA) studies in the last decade or so have substantially broadened our knowledge of prehistoric human demography, revealing major population turnovers in Europe during the Holocene1,2,3and the late Pleistocene4,5. Out of two pan-Eurasian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) founder lineages (...
The subclades R1b1b1 and R1b1b2 (the most common form in Europe) are closely associated with the spread of Indo-European languages, as attested by its presence in all regions of the world where Indo-European languages were spoken in ancient times, from the Atlantic coast of Europe to the ...
History and description of Haplogroup R1b (Y-chromosomal DNA) and its subclades. Haplogroup R1b is the dominant paternal lineage in Western Europe. It represents the Greco-Anatolian, Italic, Celtic and Germanic branches of the Indo-European speakers.
This is the only step that was not included in our previous non-genetic simulations on a real map of Europe3, because they considered only purely demic models. There are 3 modes of cultural transmission30. Vertical transmission is due to interbreeding (i.e., cross-matings between farmers ...
WhileL3individuals are found all over Africa, including the southern reaches of sub-Sahara,L3is important for its movements north. You can follow this movement of the map above, seeing first the expansions ofL1/L0, thenL2, and followed by the northward migration ofL3.YourL3 ancestors are th...
February 21, 2006: Map of ancestors' origins in Europe added below mtDNA Results. Click on the red dots for further information. To get on the map, you have to enter coordinates under Setup Preferences. Also please add name of your most distant maternal ancestor. February 27, 2006: We ...
The maternal equivalents of that Siberian Q1a2 in prehistoric Eastern Europe are probablymtDNA haplogroups C4a and C5, which have been found Mesolithic Karelia (north-western Russia), in the Neolithic Dnieper-Donets culture in Ukraine, and in the Bronze Age Catacomb culture in the Pontic Steppe....
Timing and deciphering mitochondrial DNA macro-haplogroup R0 variability in Central Europe and Middle EastEuropean tree frogHaldane-Huxley ruleheterochiasmylinkage mapnascent sex chromosomeNearly half of the West Eurasian assemblage of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is fractioned into numerous sub-lineages...