Posts:42940| From:,| Registered:Jan 2010| IP:Logged| Ish Geber Member Member # 18264 Member Rated: posted13 September, 2013 01:11 AM The map is nonsense. Then again, your source is wiki. ...
PEPersian (Iran)PG Papua New GuineaHighlandsPHPhilippinesPYPygmyRURussiaSASaamiSCScotlandSLSelkupsSFSouth AfricaSNSudanSUSumatraTBTibetTUTurkishUG Uygurs UZUzbekWS Western SamoaYAYakutsThe data in this map is supposed to represent the situation before the recent European expansion beginning about 1500 ...
Haplogroup J2 (Y-DNA)The Greco-Anatolian paternal lineage. Y-DNA MapsMaps of the main paternal lineage in Europe. Facts about DNAFun tutorial about the basics of genetics. Medical DNA SNP's linked with traits and medical conditions.@
Distribution map of haplogroup I2a2 in Europe Haplogroup R1 (Y-DNA) Distribution map of haplogroup R1 in Europe Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA) Distribution map of haplogroup R1a in Europe, the Middle East & North Africa Distribution map of haplogroup R1a-M458 in Europe ...
This is the first study of interactions betweenY-hgs and autosomal variants on a genome-wide scale, which addresses the missing heritability in spermatogenic impairment and sheds new light on the pathogenesis of male infertility. Infertility is the inability of a sexually active couple to achieve ...
Map of G Spread of Haplogroup G, from National Geographic The 2006 ISOGG Y haplogroup tree Mailing Lists Haplogroup G2c discussion group Haplogroup G Yahoo Group Rootsweb Haplogroup G Mailing List Family Tree DNA's Haplogroup G2c Project FamilyTreeDNA's Haplogroup G Project Human Y-...
It is currently distributed around the Mediterranean, southern Europe, and in north and east Africa. Origins, age, spread and ethnic association of European haplogroups and subclades - with map Dennis Garvey's YDNA Haplogroup E3b Webpage E3b Haplogroup Project with FamilyTreeDNA The World Wide ...
(see map above). This age of the main migration from the shores of the Black Sea to Central Europe also happened to match the timeframe of the Indo-European invasion of Europe, which coincides with the introduction of the Bronze-Age culture in Western Europe, and the spread of Italo-...
(a) Contour map of haplogroup R-V88. (b) Location and linguistic affiliation of the sampled populations. Numbers refer to populations in Table 1. Linguistic affiliations of the populations are indicated by different colors (to the left). European Journal of Human Genetics Y haplogroup R-V88 ...
so a rightful respect forPeoples of the Placeand thus forAboriginals(all over the World) ask to implement thisUnwritten(so everlasting)Lawon our entireAlpine/Cisalpine hinterlandtoo. We are not alone. in this beautifulgeographical mapof" Terrain Europe "you see that overAlpine hinterland(spanning ...