“KC4RCR” is my amateur radio call-sign assigned by the United States FCC. Here you will find discussion related to radio, computers, automotive and various other topics. 2m 11-Element Beam – Longest FM QSO 440 Repeater Build ISS SSTV December 2021 Power Outage Notification System Streaming ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现海外直订Hamshack Raspberry Pi: Learn How to Use Raspberry Pi for Amateur Radio Activitie 火腿覆盆子派:学习如何使用的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于海外直订Hamshack
Radio Astronomy And The Search For Extraterrestial Intelligence.pdf - 3.09 MB Raspberry Pi - TNCPi Manual.pdf - 643.36 KB Raspberry Pi Projects Book v.1.pdf - 35.69 MB Review of ABCD Parameters .pdf - 66.57 KB Rock Solid RF.pdf - 306.16 KB Running Linux (4th Ed).pdf - 3.63 ...
Projects related to Ham radio and other forms of radio communication using commercial and home made radios
seven PDF documentsshowing how he's set up his Raspberry Pi for ham radio and other RF projects. The PDF's essentially form a book that starts with the very basics like preparing an OS for the Pi SD Card, powering on the Pi, finding the IP address and connecting to it with SSH or ...
Over on Hackaday we've seen a story about aRaspberry Pi Pico based software defined radio transmitterthat is capable of transmitting SSB, AM, FM and CW anywhere between 0.5 - 30 MHz. The design generates an oscillator signal using the Pico's Programmable IO. For AM/...
Hambone is a Ham Radio Bot built for the Raspberry Pi. It acts as computer interface for your radio by listening for DTMF commands and can activate the radio's PTT via the RPI's GPIO to play audio. Think of this as an IRC bot but with a radio!
Use a Mac to Set Up DSTAR Commander on Your DVMEGA / Raspberry Pi Hotspot Posted: 2016-12-05 inHam Radio,How To,Unix Geekery Tags:DSTAR,How To,Linux,MacBook Pro,Raspberry Pi,Unix 4 This post will document how to setup the DSTAR Commander image for use on a Raspberry Pi / DVMEGA...
A recent HamClock image from my shack. Just look at all the features crammed into this little (and free) marvel! Now surely by now you’re asking “how can I get such a thing?” Well, the hardest part is getting your hands on a Raspberry Pi. A Raspberry Pi Zero will work just fi...
Code available on github, Linux image available here Hardware Raspberry Pi $35: A Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (or cheaper RPi Model B+) computer is a critical portion of the core and drives the Linux serial link while also bridging our public wifi to radio connection. username: pi password: ...