Over on his blog F4GOH has posted a rather comprehensive tutorial consisting of seven PDF documentsshowing how he's set up his Raspberry Pi for ham radio and other RF projects. The PDF's essentially form a book that starts with the very basics like preparing an OS for the Pi SD Card, ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现海外直订Hamshack Raspberry Pi: Learn How to Use Raspberry Pi for Amateur Radio Activitie 火腿覆盆子派:学习如何使用的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于海外直订Hamshack
An HF Ham Radio SSB/AM/FM/CW Transmitter made from a Raspberry Pi Pico and not much more Over on Hackaday we've seen a story about aRaspberry Pi Pico based software defined radio transmitterthat is capable of transmitting SSB, AM, FM and CW anywhere between 0.5 -...
Hambone is a Ham Radio Bot built for the Raspberry Pi. It acts as computer interface for your radio by listening for DTMF commands and can activate the radio's PTT via the RPI's GPIO to play audio. Think of this as an IRC bot but with a radio!
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redhawk wrote:The Pi doesn't support USB booting only booting from the SD Card slot is possible. You could still automount your USB drive on boot with statically linked folders but the OS can only boot from the SD Card slot first.
Being based on Debian, Raspbian comes with the APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) as it’s package manager, which is used to install software from the vast Raspbian repositories, but Raspbian also comes with raspi-config, a menu based tool that simplifies the act of managing Raspberry Pi configurat...
Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator running APRS on Raspberry Pi & TNC-Pi. I'll only cover Ham Radio on this Blog !
Geeze! What is he up to now? Cool stuff - Solar - Ham Radio - Linux - DIY - Antennas - Raspberry Pi - Arduino
Programs written for WSPR mode designed for sending and receiving low-power transmissions to test propagation paths on the MF and HF and recently UHF bands. Users with internet access can watch results in real time at wsprnet.org The QRPi board (or shield as referred by the community today)...