radioraspberry-piiotrpiubuntuham-radioamateur-radioraspbiansdrhackrfsiginthamradiortlsdrlimesdramateurradioballoonssdrangel UpdatedJan 30, 2025 Shell Amateur radio logbook software open-sourceopensourcesqliteloggeropenstreetmapqt5amateur-radioqsoqslhamradiofldigiamateurradiolotwradioamateurqt6hamqthwinkey2 ...
radioremote-controlham-radioamateur-radiotransceiverhamradiohamamateurradioicomrs-ba1 UpdatedMay 26, 2021 Go dawsonjon/101Things Star154 Code Issues Pull requests A collection of cool projects to make! audioradiotimeclockeffectsguitarpicncraspberrypedalpwmpicohammsf ...
Projects related to Ham radio and other forms of radio communication using commercial and home made radios
Over on his blog F4GOH has posted a rather comprehensive tutorial consisting of seven PDF documentsshowing how he's set up his Raspberry Pi for ham radio and other RF projects. The PDF's essentially form a book that starts with the very basics like preparing an OS for the Pi SD Card, ...
Welcome to myGet Ham Radiowebsite! “KC4RCR” is my amateur radio call-sign assigned by the United States FCC. Here you will find discussion related to radio, computers, automotive and various other topics. 2m 11-Element Beam – Longest FM QSO ...
Over on Hackaday we've seen a story about aRaspberry Pi Pico based software defined radio transmitterthat is capable of transmitting SSB, AM, FM and CW anywhere between 0.5 - 30 MHz. The design generates an oscillator signal using the Pico's Programmable IO. For AM/...
What are my Ham Radio projects Current projects include: AG-Iambickeyer using the Arduino board and a real time operating system (freeRTOS) to allow for unlimited feature addition. Current bread board: Runs Iambic A or B. Speed and dah weight control. Paddle sample delay control (continuously...
Radio Astronomy And The Search For Extraterrestial Intelligence.pdf - 3.09 MB Raspberry Pi - TNCPi Manual.pdf - 643.36 KB Raspberry Pi Projects Book v.1.pdf - 35.69 MB Review of ABCD Parameters .pdf - 66.57 KB Rock Solid RF.pdf - 306.16 KB Running Linux (4th Ed).pdf - 3.63 ...
makes the most of the crappy sunspot cycle that we are in, and have had fun working bunches of local and DX stations on the newest mode. I’m also back to building stuff, even if it’s nothing more than interfaces between radios and Raspberry Pi computers. Old habits are hard to ...