International Amateur Radio Exhibition The remote project gets underway The motto of this year's HAM RADIO in Friedrichshafen, “REMOTE RADIO - CONNECTING THE WORLD”, demonstrates in a unique way that amateur radio is on the pulse of the times. Where previously the radio operator needed to be...
HamGeek is equipped with advanced production technology and specializing amateur radio, open-source radios, Ham radios and accessories,Ham Radio antenna and amplifiers, walkie talkies, mobile radios,Spectrum Analyzers and zigbee Gateways, etc. Hamgeek cl
Amateur Radio Station owned by Matt Strelow The station is designed for competition in the ... Hits: 1767 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 6.5 King of Spain Contest Official web site of URE contests including the King of Spain HF CW and SSB ... By: URE Hits: 127 | Votes: 1 | Rating: ...
Amateur radio, commonly referred to as Ham Radio consists of enthusiasts, passionate about technical aspects of radio equipment, communication transmission and reception. The hobby begun early 1900's where the first official call signs were issued and handed out. There are almost 700,000 Amateur Rad...
Ham Radio,Amateur radio,walkie-talkie,CB Radios - Commercial Radios - PMR - GMRS - Freenet - HAM - Handheld Transceiver - Mobile Transceiver - Microphone - Antennas - Power -yagi antenna,amateur radio-ham radio,CB radio,Intercom,Dual band walkie talkie
Being part of the NWS Gray SKYWARN Amateur Radio Team is a meaningful way to experience the hobby while making a positive impact on our community. As an Official Supporter, we recognize that your organization will embrace SKYWARN as a way to enhance the amateur radio experience, use it as ...
HamSphere official comments on doubling and "pile-ups" is this: Consider it a realistic "training"-tool for the real Amateur Radio world. Operators who eventually will go on real shortwave bands WILL experience this type of communication techniques. And only proper Ham Radio Protocol will help....
K9BAR.ORG Bolingbrook Amateur Radio SocietyKB5WCK.comKC1CS Ham Programs Kenwood CAT InterfacesKenwood parts for all Kenwood electronicsKenwood USA Corporation web siteKenwood: Amateur Radio StuffKeplerian ElementsKITS-> Nostalgic Kits Central \ Knight-Kits,HETHKIT,Eico,PACO,CONAR. EME, etc...
My Adventures in Ham Radio How To Sync Your PC Time For POTA Operation of WSJT-X by Chip Coker KD4C We’ve all seen how easy it is to set up and operate out in the field using thelow cost quick deploy portable antennaand using battery power and portable radios. But that only gets ...
Hawaii Ham Radio Clubs and Personal Pages VHF Repeaters on Oahu Ham Photos and Articles Digital Modes Techie Stuff<<– Click here for Hints, Tips, Techniques, Useful Projects and Advice WebSDR– Listen to HF via the web Portable Operations– a few suggestions ...