Every night thousands of men retreat to radio stations elaborately outfitted in suburban basements or tucked into closets of city apartments to talk to local friends or to strangers on the other side of the world. They communicate by speaking into a microphone, tapping out Morse code on a tel...
Fast forward to recent times. I’ve traded an inner-city condo for a suburban house. One day I was driving down a main thoroughfare close to my house and saw a sign that was advertising ham radio exams by the local club. I had forgotten that Richardson (home of Collins Radio) had a ...
HAM RADIO.:Focuses on the opportunity offered by Oink Ink Radio company for aspiring script writers.ButlerSimonAdweek Western Edition
I spent a lot of time figuring out exactly where each component of the radio was going to go. I then spent considerable time figuring out how all of the wires would travel, unseen throughout the truck. I took apart sections of the truck to see how I could get everything where I wante...
IW5EDI Simone – Ham-RadioAbout me Software Ham Radio Technical Articles Antennas Live Stream Chat With Me While I’m OnlineHere you can read my recent dx contacts, as they get logged. System is provided by hrdlog.netEnter your callsign ...
There are loads of free online sites, study apps and books available. I personally recommend the following. Ham Radio Prep: use the codeHamRadio360to save 20% on your tuition!Ham Radio Prepguarantees that you will pass your exam on your first attempt or they will give you a full refund....
with every change to FCC Commercial and Amateur Radio tests from 1998 to today.During periods when a test changeover is coming to a new test bank, we generally keep both the current and imminent test banks active in our products at the same time so that users can choose what to study bas...
My club, Newport County Radio Club, runs a pretty effective Winter Field Day each year. While we may have left “multipliers” on the table in prior years, we usually have the highest QSO count for Category 1O (one transmitter, outdoors) in the country. This year we maxed out the possi...
basic set of digital features such as superb audio, long battery life, higher spectrum efficiency, enabling the user to experience digital communications and a smooth transition from analog to digital. This is the most cost-effective two-way radio for restaurants, hotels, shops ot...
BF-S50 is a handheld two-way radio with a compact and rough design to guarantee durability of performance. With a comprehensive set of analog features and a long-lasting battery life, our BF-S50 is built to satisfy all the conventional communication needs for small ...