On HamSphere 4.0, the radio signals from the transmitting station are simulated to follow multiple paths as they bounce to and fro between the Ionosphere and the earth's surface. They may travel through several hops covering thousands of kilometers across continents and oceans to reach a distant...
NM5HD HDARC Free Ham radio testing and classes for all elements Also mentoring and presentations in the resource library
they do not proctor online examinations. The app also did not connect to the purchased content and videos I paid for. If I pass my test this app is great. I think the FCC needs to allow at least the technician course to be completed online. I learned that radio’s can be used to ...
Ham Radio Communications's profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
An adapter might be used to power the radio, recharge batteries, or both. It’s hard to believe in these days of switching power adapters that an adapter could ever be used to listen to AM radio, but that was the case with the Sony ICF-2010/2001D and Grundig Satellit 800. These rad...
But these few words do very poor service to what really happened. So I would heartily suggest, recommend, even implore you to listen to the following videos and podcast. Ham Radio Workbench Podcast: https://www.hamradioworkbench.com/podcast/hrwb-221-thomas-witherspoon-k4swl-on-hurricane-helene...
K3WWP's Ham Radio Activities Information on contesting with CW and QRP By: John Hits: 1898 | Votes: 12 | Rating: 8.41 K5ZD contest audio recordings Have you ever wanted to listen in on a serious SO2R DX contest effort hear ... Hits: 2118 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 9.5 KA9FOX...
and lived in an apartment that limited my antenna farm severely. I spent several years not making a single contact and never really got involved in the local clubs. But the itch was still there, just under the surface. I bought a radio and would tune and listen, but fear of interference...
(Ham Radio) and Commercial Tests in theFASTEST TIMEand with theMOST POLISHED USER EXPERIENCEof any product available, period. We also haveFCC written test prep material in downloadable audio formatfor you to listen to in the car or on your personal audio device (iPod). We feature actual, ...
Additionally, we always try to include links to other retail options if they are available, as we support and freely advertise independent ham radio retailers. Thank you, too, for your support of these sites. Listen to the Shortwave Archive Recent Posts SWL Contest 2025 Wrap-Up & New SSB ...