HamSphere®is a virtual Ham Radio Transceiver. Once installed, you will be able to communicate with thousands of Amateur Radio operators and Radio Enthusiasts in over 320 DXCC countries around the world. You can even use HamSphere without a Ham Radio license by using a special HamSphere call...
An ARRL affiliated association of licensed ham radio operators who share an interest in Recreational Vehicles (RV enthusiasts). This site has information about our club and rv rallies, ham radio nets, Hamfests, campgrounds, and history of the RV Radio Ne
We cost less than the ham radio license manuals, and we provide a lot more value. A 3-month subscription to the Technician course is currentlyon salefor $29.95 (regularly $34.95). Seeprice listfor other courses. Why anonlinecourse?
HamSphere®is a virtual Ham Radio Transceiver. Once installed, you will be able to communicate with thousands of Amateur Radio operators and Radio Enthusiasts in over 320 DXCC countries around the world. You can even use HamSphere without a Ham Radio license by using a special HamSphere call...
We cost less than the ham radio license manuals, and we provide a lot more value. A 3-month subscription to the Technician course is currentlyon salefor $29.95 (regularly $34.95). Seeprice listfor other courses. Why anonlinecourse?
NM5HD HDARC Free Ham radio testing and classes for all elements Also mentoring and presentations in the resource library
–Radio Body – under the rear passenger seat with easy access to the SD Card –Antenna – center of the roof with an NMO antenna –Control Head – in the cubby hole forward of the gear shift. The RJ12 cable will be plugged into a custom keystone installed next to the cigarette lighter...
Ham Radio repeater Directory MapBook and Repeater listings and maps and other Great Ham radio products.
Ultimate HAM Radio LogBook For both beginners and Experienced Dxers with DxClsuter , LOTW and FT8 integration
SDR Radio The Best External Controllers for SmartSDR Windows and macOS December 4, 2020 One of the great features of Flex Radios is their desktop control software SmartSDR. The software allows you to control most every aspect of the radio from your laptop, desktop… ...