The strap is arguably the least useful accessory included with any portable radio. The Sony ICF-2010/2001D came with a very attractive blue over-the-shoulder web strap, which has become something of an “item” among collectors. Mine have been bound up in their original wrapping and stored ...
Ham Radio Web Sites Quick Links & More Visit us at, and Net & Chat in the Morning Visit Coast Gallery Art Website & Chat About Art SEE THE TOOL BOX! About Zebra Ham Radio In a nutshell it's all about learning, because ...
Ham radio contest, contesting, radio sports category is a curation of 202 web resources on , KA9FOX Contesting & DXing, A beginner's guide to RTTY contests, T97M WEB Page. Resources listed under Ham Radio Contest category belongs to DX Resources main col
Ham Radio repeater Directory MapBook and Repeater listings and maps and other Great Ham radio products.
Ham Radio repeater Directory MapBook and Repeater listings and maps and other Great Ham radio products.
Midwest Classic Radio Sat 13:00 UTC 3.885 Military Radio Collector's Sat 9:30 PM PST 3980 AM or SSB Morse CW Telegraph Net W6MTC Sat 0815 PST 7.084 and 3.600 West Coast Noon Time Net Daily 0930 PST after the RV net finishes 7.2685 and 3.970 Night Hawks Mobile Net Nightly 6 to 7:...
radio control software,for swl and ham radio operators programs category is a curation of 139 web resources on , ICOM OCX, MPFilters for FT-1000MP, EasyTuner. Resources listed under Radio Control category belongs to Software main collection, and get revi
Geekshed #RedditNet The channel for /r/amateurradio on Redit. #hamfest Automated ham radio related for-sale listings from various sources around the Internet. EFnet #HamRadio Active since 1991. Officially still the home of the W8IRC radio club since 2002, although most activity is now...
HAM RADIO MANUALS Includes Some Test Equipment Manuals FREEBEES AND ON LINE & VENDORS NOTICE: The following is a compilation of URLs found on search engines and news groups. The Author makes no endorsement nor has any pecuniary interest in any of the listings. ...
Live audio commentary will be available in the UK on BBC Radio 5 live, and worldwide on our official website and app. And of course you can follow the action via this live blog on and our app, and across our social media channels. We will also have highlights and exclusive...