Hafnium oxide up to 50 GPa.pdfLeger, JmAtouf, ATomaszewski, PePereira, As
ChemInform Abstract: COMPARATIVE EFFECT OF HAFNIUM OXIDE AND ZIRCONIUM OXIDE ON OXIDATION㏑EDUCTION OF CERIUMelectric properties, superconductors, semiconductorsNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/chin.198207017MALOU, P.DEBRAY, E.
Hafnia-based ferroelectrics have greatly revived the field of ferroelectric memory (FeRAM), but certain reliability issues must be satisfactorily resolved
A bit more than a decade after the first report of ferroelectric switching in hafnium dioxide-based ultrathin layers, this family of materials continues to elicit interest. There is ample consensus that the observed switching does not obey the same mechanisms present in most other ferroelectrics, ...
View PDF View chapter About the book Description Ferroelectricity in Doped Hafnium Oxide: Materials, Properties and Devicescovers all aspects relating to the structural and electrical properties of HfO2and its implementation into semiconductor devices, including a comparison to standard ferroelectric mater...
HAFNIUM oxideFERROELECTRIC crystalsPOLARIZATION (Electricity)PHASE transitionsMAGNETIC materialsFERROELECTRIC devicesSilicon doped hafnium oxide was the material used in the original report of ferroelectricity in hafnia in 2011. Since then, it has been subject of many further publications including the ...
hafnium, HfThe gel chemistry of germanium is explored through the formation and composition of a hydrous metal oxide precursor gel used in the preparation of the HfGeO(4) and HfGeO(4):Ti X-ray phosphors. The enhanced solubility of hexagonal GeO(2) in dilute ammoniacal solutions is exploited...
ChemInform Abstract: ORDERED FLUORITE-RELATED PHASES IN THE SYSTEMS ZIRCONIUM OXIDE (HAFNIUM OXIDE)-MAGNESIUM OXIDE-NIOBIUM PENTOXIDE (TANTALUM PENTOXIDE) SYSTEMSstructure (solids and liquidsIn den ′ternren Titel-Systemen wurden neue Phasen identifiziert.doi:10.1002/chin.198243006...
Tunable white light emission from hafnium oxide films co-doped with trivalent terbium and europium ions deposited by Pyrosol technique. Phys. Status Solidi A 2017, 214, 1700269. [CrossRef]
Selective O-atom transfer from nitrous oxide to hydride and aryl ligands of bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)hafnium derivativesorgano‐hafnium compoundsN 2 O (II) is used under mild conditions to selectively oxidize hydrido (to hydroxy) ligands and phenyl (to phenoxy) ligands in bis(η5-pentamethyl...