The operating characteristics of a gyrotron traveling wave tube (gyro-TWT) operating at C-band are reported. Detailed testing showed that at higher beam voltage and current and with a magnetic field profile increasing in magnitude toward the rf output window, the output power could be increased ...
...调管(gyroklystron)(c)高 频宽磁旋行波管(gyro-TWT)(d)高功率磁旋返波管振荡器(gyro-BWO)。|基于4个网页 2. 回旋形波管 communication - Excel ... 回旋管 gyrotron回旋形波管gyro-TWT哈德码得矩阵 Hadamard matrix ...
of the beam wave interaction of the confocal waveguide gyrotron-traveling-wave tube (confocal gyro-TWT) is derived from kinetic theory for the first time; according to this dispersion relation, we can make the linear analysis of confocal gyro-TWT as well as the cylindrical waveguide gyro-TWT. ...
N. Basu "Modal analysis of azimuthally periodic vane-loaded cylindrical waveguide for gyro-TWT," Progress In Electromagnetic Research, PIER 70, 175-189, 2007.Singh G, Basu BNN. Modal analysis of azimuthally periodic vane-loaded cylindrical waveguide interaction structure for gyro-TWT. Progress in ...
Gyro-TWT amplifier,Beam-wave interaction,High-power microwave tubeLarge signal analysis for a circular cylindrical smooth wall gyro-travelling wave tube amplifier has been successfully used to generate the power, and gain plots for a variety of input parameters. The gain versus frequency plots are ...
Gyro-TWTTWTLossyStableCompeting ModeThe start-oscillation-current of a gyro-TWT (gyrotron traveling-wave tube) determines the stable operating current level of the device. The amplifier is susceptible to oscillations when the operating current level is higher than the start-oscillation current. There ...
A scheme of dielectric-loading for a gyro-traveling wave tube (gyro-TWT) is proposed for a wider bandwidth at a higher gain. The method uses two-section dielectric-loaded cylindrical waveguide as the interaction structure, with the first section overloaded to exhibit a valley between the two pe...
开展了Gyro.TWT实验.采用的互作用电路是基于 损耗介质环和金属环间隔排列构成的分布损耗结 构与开缝波导.前一种互作用电路使得工作模式受 到低衰减,竞争模式受到强衰减.后一种互作用结 构使得回旋行波管具有了高平均功率和模式选择 能力[13,14].上述的技术改进使Gyro—TwT的性能 在不同方面有所提高. 在1996年,...
The analysis of a disc-loaded circular waveguide interaction structure of a gyro-traveling-wave-tube (gyro-TWT) considering standing and propagating mode harmonics in the disc-occupied and disc-free regions, respectively, gave the beam-absent dispersion relation of the waveguide. The axial phase pro...
Two different excitation mechanisms of the frequency self-modulation (FSM) instability in a W-band dielectric-loaded gyrotron traveling-wave tube (gyro-TWT) were clearly revealed and explained. The FSM properties caused by the window reflection and collector ‘bottleneck’ versus operating beam current...