The raw x-axis acceleration signal (a) and estimated (gyro-informed) acceleration due to gravity (b) of a female Steller sea lion that stroked four times during a single dive.Ware, ColinW. Trites, AndrewA. S....
}// get the x, y, and z values (rate of change of angle).xVal = sensorGyro.rawX(); yVal = sensorGyro.rawY(); zVal = sensorGyro.rawZ();// get the heading info.// the Modern Robotics' gyro sensor keeps// track of the current heading for the Z axis only.heading = sensorGyr...
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歌名: 笼中鸟 (精消无和声纯伴奏) (精消原版立体声); 歌手: 谢天笑; 格式: mp3; 总时长: 04:51。YY伴奏是一个拥有谢天笑的伴奏【笼中鸟 (精消无和声纯伴奏) (精消原版立体声)】等在内的上千万首原版伴奏,扒带伴奏,消音伴奏,说唱伴奏,红歌伴奏,钢琴伴奏,小提琴伴奏