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Ka-band gyroTWA waveguideStrathclyde Universityamplifier gainamplifier stability margincircularly polarized wavesinteraction regionThis paper presents the latest results from a second harmonic gyro-TWA experiment at Strathclyde University. The experiment uses a helically corrugated interaction region and operates ...
Latest results of a W-band gyro-TWA with a helically corrugated waveguide and a cusp electron gun for operation at a high pulse repetition rate are presented. Performance upgrades of input coupler, output window, corrugated horn, pulsed power system and beam collector with water-cooling capability...
Gyrotron traveling wave amplifier (gyro-TWA) experiments based on a helically corrugated waveguide have been undertaken at Strathclyde University for the last few years. In this paper we report our latest experimental results using a longer pulse electron beam of energy 185keV and current 7.5A ...
Helically corrugated 35GHz gyro-TWA, simulations and measurementdoi:10.1109/irmmw-thz.2012.6380094C. G. WhyteC. W. RobertsonA. R. YoungW. HeA. W. CrossP. MacInnesA. D. R. PhelpsK. RonaldIEEEInternational Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves...
Modelling of Cusp Gun for a Gyro-TWAnot avaliableYoungA.R.HeW.RowlandsD.H.RaffertyE.G.WhyteC.G.Vacuum Electronics Conference, 2006 held Jointly with 2006 IEEE International Vacuum Electron Sources., IEEE International
W. Cross, "An input coupler for a W-band gyro-TWA," in 6th U.K., Europe, China Millimeter Waves and THz Technol. Workshop, Rome, Italy, Sep. 9-11, 2013, pp. 1-2.J. R. Garner, L. Zhang, C. R. Donaldson, and P. McElhinney, "An input coupler for a W-band gyro-TWA,...