GWAS, MWAS and mGWAS provide insights into precision agriculture based on genotype-dependent microbial effects in foxtail millet Yayu Wang, Xiaolin Wang, Shuai Sun, Canzhi Jin, Jianmu Su, Jinpu Wei, Xinyue Luo, Jiawen Wen, Tong Wei, Sunil Kumar Sahu, Hongfeng Zou, Hongyun ...
github: 《GWAS, MWAS and mGWAS provide insights into precision agriculture based on genotype-dependent microbial effects in foxtail millet》 github: 《Disentangling the genetic basis of rhizos...
Genetically encoded responses to ectopic presence of oral bacteria in the gut appear to be a common theme in a number of diseases investigated by MWAS (Metagenome-wide association studies). Our two-stage M-GWAS (Microbiome genome-wide association studies) on a total of 1295 individuals ...
利用GWAS方法挖掘谷子资源中蕴含的抗谷瘟病基因 谷子是中国传统粮食作物,具有抗旱耐贫瘠、营养丰富平衡、粮草兼用、耐储存等特点,作为谷子三大病害之一的谷瘟病,严重影响谷子产量和商品品质,目前对谷瘟病的研究仅局限于抗病性鉴定和评价,有关抗谷瘟病基因的研究尚未见报道。 近期,中国农业科学院作物科学研究所刁现民研...
In this study, we demonstrate how integrating methylome-wide association study (MWAS) results with GWAS findings can narrow down the location for a subset of the putative casual sites. We use the disease schizophrenia as an example. To handle "data analytic" variation, we first combined our ...