In this guided meditation, we spend the hour doing a blend of mindfulness practices to ground ourselves in the body and connect to the heart. After some heart attunement and pranayama exercises, I lead you through 20 minutes of basic mindfulness meditation focused on the breath. During this pha...
Guided Meditation for Deep Sleep: 10 Minutes Guided Meditation Script for Deep Sleep Begin this meditation when you are already prepared for sleep and lying comfortably in your bed. Make sure that your electronics are off and that there are no distractions to disturb you from your sleep. And w...
"I'm really loving this app! I have meditated for many years and have done mindfulness meditation for about 4 years." Ellen Sparkles "Declutter Your Mind's 30 Day Introduction, which asks for 10 minutes a day, is truly helpful. I have read many books on mindfulness and listened to many...
This Meditation Will Bring Your Crown Chakra Back Into Balance In less than three minutes, you'll feel more centered and energized. Mary Beth LaRue Published Nov 8, 2021 Guided Meditation This Meditation Will Infuse More Joy Into Your Life In Just 3 Minutes Bring your sacral chakra bac...
Duration 5-10 minutes 15-20 minutes 30-45 minutes 60+ minutes Clear Class type Meditation basics Sleep Relaxation Breath Emotions Mindfulness Theme Fitness focus Family & Pre/Postnatal Clear Meditation for beginners Healing meditations Calming meditations Happiness meditations Body scan meditation Somatic ...
Nature Journey This guided visualization leads you on your own journey through nature, allowing you to choose where you go and what you encounter. This meditation lasts approximately 20 minutes and allows you to enjoy the many stress relieving benefits o
10分钟清晨冥想-肯定你自己 Positive Affirmations 10 Minute Morning Meditation 4236 2 10:57:20 App TTC - 正念 The Science of Mindfulness 979 -- 10:31 App [冥想引导-正念冥想(活在当下)]Daily Calm 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation(Be Present) 6644 4 2:43 App 【正念=超能力?】Why Mindfulness ...
Whether you’re an advanced user or a complete beginner, Meditation Moments will transform your life for the better. Meditations are available in lengths of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 or 45 minutes, so there’s always a perfect one to suit your schedule and needs. Relaxing & ...
索菲亚啊啊啊创作的个人成长有声书作品Guided Meditation,目前已更新24个声音,收听最新音频章节24-Silence-with-Bells-Every-15-Minutes。Thesemeditationguideaudiosarefromthefreeresourcesfromthe...
A narrator or guide may ask you to lie calmly in silence for up to a few minutes, providing very little guidance, as a way to focus after a long and busy day. Movement-based meditation. If you’re being guided through a sleep-based meditation in person, you may be invited to particip...