《GTA5》PC版特性曝光 支持DX11特效 超清材质 《GTA5》的PC版本已经是众人皆知的秘密了,日前一位叫做“Hal_Nein_Thousand”的Reddit用户放出了一段从PS3版《GTA5》中挖出的一段有趣代码,提到了DX11和2K材质。 下面就是这段代码: 985459 – PC – [PT][PB] Crash – > game_win32_beta_dx11.exe!strRe...
泡泡网显卡频道9月25日 《GTA5》的PC版本已经是众人皆知的秘密了,日前一位叫做“Hal_Nein_Thousand”的Reddit用户放出了一段从PS3版《GTA5》中挖出的一段有趣代码,提到了DX11和2K材质。 下面就是这段代码: 985459 – PC – [PT][PB] Crash – > game_win32_beta_dx11.exe!strRequest::Release() Line...
Come join! https://wwwredditcom/r/gaming/ comments/7nvzk9/i_quit_my_job_last_year_to_finish_our_indie_wii_u/ 15-5-2007 · http:// wwwfacebookcom/rickroll548 As long as trolls are still trolling, the Rick will never stop rolling 24-10-2009 · Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You...
《GTA5》PC版特..《GTA5》的PC版本已经是众人皆知的秘密了,日前一位叫做“Hal_Nein_Thousand”的Reddit用户放出了一段从PS3版《GTA5》中挖出的一段有趣代码,提到了DX11和2K材质。 下面
https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/op3npa/76_players_in_ee/ (Their point is weak because yea, like the first reply says, there's npc's there too, plus half the spaces go unused so npc's can stand next to cars, npcs + players have space to walk around, etc, pretty su...
Now, though, they have something tangible to work with, something more than speculation to chew on: a necklace. As redditor DogWifDreads signaled, the latest GTA Online update, Bottom Dollar Bounties, appears to have added the necklace worn by perhaps the standout ch...
the internet is blowing up with leaks and gameplay footage. If you care to see various leaks, including images and gameplay videos I recommend two main source:Reddit Grand Theft Auto V ChannelandN4G GTA V channel. Of course **spoiler alert** going into those places! Good luck if you want...
随着《侠盗猎车手5 Online》的抢劫模式于日前正式上线,一位玩家在Reddit论坛上展示了 分享601 gta5ol吧 高级动物 2022年12月29日GTA在线模式更新内容新年临近,全新的存货将要抵达展厅。隆重推出全新西部电涌摩托车,这是一款为具有气候意识的车手准备的全电动玩物。是的,碳排放已成为过去。是的,永磁电机的扭矩足以带来...
We’re presenting another piece of information on GTA VI + a little warning, and – one of the former R* employees (accidentally?) revealed that the works on the RDR II version for PCs were or are ongoing. R* at E3? One of theRedditusers revealed surprising information – R* will app...
根据Reddit上的消息,爆料人是自称自己参与过《荒野大镖客2》和《GTA6》的QA, 31916 看门狗2吧 stanleyann 《看门狗2》Watch Dog2 主线任务 打倒战斗原型机“GLORIA”GLORIA 歌利亚是非利士人的战士。他身高一丈,让对其宣战的以色列人心惊胆战。 他背着一支尖锐的茅,每天早晚,都会走近以色列人扎下的营寨,,大声挑衅...