I am honestly quite surprised. The negative press surrounding GTA Online’s Shark Cards or Shadows of War’s single-player loot boxes affected zero change, but here we have EA, of all people, turning off the cash spigot right before the water main gets connected. Then again, EAdidget ment...
gtaonline 5 I was required to upload an image when making a support ticket about my missing scramjet, so I just sent them this. 17879 likeus 5 The one thing everybody’s looking for is unconditional love. 31965 okbuddychicanery 5 New promo images for "BREAKING BAD", the sequel to BCS...
lol just wait until the downgrade in September it's going to look like a PS2 game lol but I'm sure CDPR fanboys will still defend them even though there is literally no excuse to downgrade the PC version. I hope CDPR are ready for the shit storm coming if they pull that shit again....
When we spoke, he called outWarcraft 3in particular for shifting his love of games to an interest in design. Blizzard's PC real-time strategy title came out in 2002, when Tan was 3 years old. He didn't pick it up until several years later, around the age of 9 or 10. "Me ...
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