ReShade is not compatible with the R.E.A.L. mod and probably never will be, because ReShade is designed to operate on the final backbuffer, instead of the high-res internal buffer that gets sent to the headset. So, if you're installing one of the graphics overhaul mods mentioned in ...
mod, you can try mixing it up with other mods that you like, although I cannot guarantee that there will be no incompatibilities (a sure source of problems for example would be trying to use additional mods that modify the camera FOV). If you're unable to update the game for some ...
昨天国内媒体3DM转发了国外爆料者的第一篇GTA6爆料内容,这篇爆料发布在4chan和reddit上,或许是迄今为止关于GTA6内容中最靠谱的爆料,随后爆料人士在大量玩家的追问中又继续发布了第二部分爆料,还发布了一张疑似GTA6制作中的游戏截图,以下为翻译内容,原版如图,可去国外论坛细看。 1.GTA6使用与RDR2和GTAV相同的引擎,但...
It’s been around six and a half years since Grand Theft Auto V was released and still, people not only to love the game but continually find ways to improve it, with oneReddituser having just completed work on a mod that allows for the entire story mode to be played in first-person...
I originally wanted to know how to get my add-on vehicles to spawn in the world naturally so I searched around and found a post on Reddit asking how one would go about doing this. Someone responded and linked RM76's mod and also put in a how to guide to get these vehicles to spawn...
The PC gaming community who didn't buy a console version are juiced about this game coming to the PC. Did the online petition and its728,000 signaturesconvince you of the excitement and desire for this game? Mods, cheats, gameplay and visuals that are going to blow the doors off anything...
You can at least play GTA V through this guide, albeit in single-player offline mode only. There is lots of fun to be had in single-player throughthird-party mods, so you might want to try that while the problem persists. Unfortunately, you still can not play GTA V Online without Soci...
I've read on reddit i think either 500 or 700 MTU for solo public, i'm pc player so i can't know for sure, but you should try those values or more of them until it works. Lonely-Martin 1 Zak Ras Members Joined: 03/04/2015 ...
根据Reddit上的消息,爆料人是自称自己参与过《荒野大镖客2》和《GTA6》的QA, 31916 gta5讨论吧 咿呀买 gta5 ps4版富兰克林的误踩陷阱任务过不去了,咋办阿,大富兰克林去武装国度买泵式散弹枪加装手电,到了之后发现枪一直是锁的,怎么办阿,据说是BUG能不能解决阿,除了这个没有别的任务过了。 分享2赞 ps4吧 ...