用RTSS精确限帧以后,同FPS的VSYNC对比NO SYNC延迟差距可以控制在一帧以内,这个效果一般是可以接受的。但是VSYNC的理想情况需要你的FPS能够稳超刷新率,否则会引入额外的卡顿,这对配置要求就很高了。 tonggongzi Wildcat 12 1.延迟多少不影响游戏感官影响你感官的是鼠标采样不够平滑造成的, 因为你的视野绑定你的...
Turn nvidia reflex on, and if its not enough, turn fast sync on (a kind of vsync setting). With fast sync there will be almost no input lag, with nvidia reflex only it depends on game support and implementation (hit or miss). For example, in CS2 both settings work and reduce input...
Turn nvidia reflex on, and if its not enough, turn fast sync on (a kind of vsync setting). With fast sync there will be almost no input lag, with nvidia reflex only it depends on game support and implementation (hit or miss). For example, in CS2 both settings work and reduce input...
G-sync tearing in my experience is usually only happening near the bottom of the screen, so vsync ON only needs to delay the frame for like 1ms or so to hide the tear line past the bottom. If tearing is happening in other places, not just the bottom, then vsync OFF is actually ...
Skyrim SE. Again it runs at 30 fps with gsync on but with gsync off I get a steady 60fps. At first it was still tearing even with gsync enabled. I had to turn off gsync and enable adaptive vsync just to get it running smooth with no tearing. ...
Turning VSYNC off only partially addresses the problem, as now the display will get parts of two or more frames each update, leading to image tearing. Triple buffering tries to get around the issue by using two off-screen buffers in addition to the on-screen buffer, allowing the game to ...
Turn nvidia reflex on, and if its not enough, turn fast sync on (a kind of vsync setting). With fast sync there will be almost no input lag, with nvidia reflex only it depends on game support and implementation (hit or miss). For example, in CS2 both settings work and reduce input...
Turn nvidia reflex on, and if its not enough, turn fast sync on (a kind of vsync setting). With fast sync there will be almost no input lag, with nvidia reflex only it depends on game support and implementation (hit or miss). For example, in CS2 both settings work and reduce input...
Adaptive Gsync is an evolution of nvidia's Adaptive vsync. When keeping a consistent framerate for more than ten frames at a strobe compatible framerate Adaptive Gsync will switch to ULMB mode which will then create higher motion clarity, and when the framerate fluctuates, Adaptive Gsync will...