The tubes were kept on top of wet paper in a transparent box that was almost completely closed to reduce evaporation and placed in a growth chamber (16 h light, 21 °C, 150 µmol.m–2.s–1). Fruits were then harvested at 6, 9 and 12 DPA and the seeds were subsequently ...
1, indicating that the environment of the six-well plate is almost identical to that of the batch culture as far as the lag time is concerned. c, Normalized single-cell-area traces (two biological repeats) from the other plate (n = 1,761 traces). We use cell area as a metric for ...
The term Y simply takes into account the more realistic practical case concerning modestly sized geometries, not infinitely large plates. The stress intensity factor K completely defines the detailed stress distribution in the vicinity of a crack. Thus, for two apparently different cases: a long ...
6. Careful consideration should be taken if claudicating occurred during HGH therapy because the patients who suffered from endocrine system disease (including GHD) have such a tendency that their epiphysis plates of femur are relatively easy to separate. 7. Growth hormone may lead to over insulin...
the DREZ is downregulated (arrow in [F]). F11 is strongly expressed on longitudinal fiber tracts. Only weak staining is found on sensory axons (arrowhead). At stage 34 (G and H), axonin-1 is expressed strongly in the dorsal funiculus but is almost absent from the lateral and ventral ...
Further decreasing the culture growth temperature to 4 °C and the subsequent inoculation on different produce showed almost a similar trend as cells that were pre-cultured at 21 °C (Figure 2c). Thus, L. monocytogenes which was pre-cultured at 37, 21, and 4 °C showed an overall ...
Exactly 10 μL of the bacterial liquid cultures were inoculated in the well of the CAS agar plates and incubated at 28 °C for 3–5 days. The development of a yellow-orange halo around the inoculation spot identified the siderophore production. For IAA production, endophytic bacteria were ...
“Parasites are among the main factors that negatively impact the health and reproductive success of organisms. However, if parasites diminish a host’s health and attractiveness to such an extent that finding a mate becomes almost impossible, the parasite would decrease its odds of reproducing and...
where secondary walls are absent.Vessel elementsare xylem cells with thinner walls; they are shorter than tracheids. Each vessel element is connected to the next by means of a perforation plate at the end walls of the element. Water moves through the perforation plates to travel up the plant...
Since each transcript has at least one distinct 5' exon, the expression of the six mRNAs is likely to be controlled by separate promoters. The distinct 5' exons result in Bun proteins with individual N-termini, except for BunF that is almost identical to BunA. All Bun isoforms have a ...