Jenkinsfile是Jenkins的一种配置文件,用于定义Jenkins的流水线(Pipeline)任务。它使用Groovy语言编写,可以实现复杂的构建和部署流程。 在Jenkinsfile中,readFile方法用于读取文件内容。然而,使用readFile方法可能会导致序列化错误。序列化错误是指在将对象转换为字节流或从字节流转换回对象时出现的问题。 为了避免序...
boolean b=trueStringmessage='Hello from Groovy'def file=newFile(baseDir,'test.txt')// 序列化数据到文件file.withDataOutputStream{out->out.writeBoolean(b)out.writeUTF(message)}// ...// 从文件读取数据并反序列化file.withDataInputStream{input->assert input.readBoolean()==b assert input.readUTF...
InputStream is = null;try { is = new FileInputStream("foo.txt"); StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(); int read = -1; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while((!=-1){ content.append(new String(buffer,0,read)); }} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {} ...
*@version:*///write file and read content//short filedef short_file =newFile("./practice_07.groovy") def content=short_file.text println(content)//large filedef large_file =newFile("./practice_07.groovy") large_file.withReader {reader->def linewhile((line = reader.readLine()) !=nul...
README 一、groovy 与 properties 二、groovy 与 File 三、groovy 与 json 一、groovy 与 properties /// 参考://{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {deffilename ="src...
Groovy为I/O操作提供了许多帮助方法,虽然你可以在Groovy中用标准Java代码来实现I/O操作,不过Groovy提供了大量的方便的方式来操作File、Stream、Reader等等。 读取文件 读取文本文件并打印每一行文本 new File(baseDir, 'haiku.txt').eachLine{ line ->
2.1. UsingFile.withReader Let’s start with theFile.withReadermethod.It creates a newBufferedReaderunder the covers that we can use to read the contents using thereadLinemethod. For example, let’s read a file line by line and print each line. We’ll also return the number of lines: ... return buffer } println reader//输出hello,world 这里是北京 an 如何拷贝文件? 我们写一个方法,把刚才的文件拷贝到另一个文件中去,代码如下: def copy(String sourcePath, String destPath) { try { //1 创建目标文件 def destFile = new File(destPath) if (!destFile.exists())...
1 how to iterate through xml file in groovy script 1 What is the proper way to iterate through a XML file in groovy? 0 How to get data from xml file using groovy? 0 How to read and parse xml file with groovy Hot Network Questions Can you win this territory game while going sec..., {inputStream -> schema= IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) } as InputStreamCallback) Reply 5,222 Views 0 Kudos AmiraKhalifa Contributor Created 03-05-2018 06:15 PM My file extension is avro i can't use def schema =