1 XML accessing elements 1 how to iterate through xml file in groovy script 1 What is the proper way to iterate through a XML file in groovy? 0 How to get data from xml file using groovy? 0 How to read and parse xml file with groovy Hot Network Questions Can you win this ter...
在Groovy Jenkinsfile中从XML文件中读取XML属性,可以使用Groovy的XMLSlurper类来实现。XMLSlurper是Groovy中用于解析和处理XML的强大工具。 以下是一个示例代码,演示如何在Groovy Jenkinsfile中从XML文件中读取XML属性: 代码语言:txt 复制 pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Read XML') { steps { script...
我已经读取了包含以下变量的配置文件: export BASE_DIR="\usr\usr1" 在同一脚本中,我逐行读取了一个文件,并希望用\usr\usr1替换${BASE_DIR}。在脚本中: while read line; dodone <file.txt 应将${BASE_DIR}\path1打印为\usr\usr1\path1 已尝试eval echo 浏览19提问于2019-06-14得票数 1 1回答 如...
File srcFile = new File('D:\\work\\mycode\\gradle\\groovyLearn\\src\\readme.md') println "srcFile is exists: ${srcFile.exists()}" File destFile = new File('D:\\work\\mycode\\gradle\\groovyLearn\\src\\backup.md') println "destFile is exists: ${destFile.exists()}" ...
byteList = new File("foo.bin").readBytes();byteList.each { println it;} 6. write -- Groovy ⽤这个⽅法写⽂件真是太直观了 new File("foo.txt").write("testing testing");new File("foo.txt").write("""This is just a test file to play with """);以上使⽤了三重引⽤语法...
new File("foo.bin").eachByte { print it; } 1. 5. readBytes -- 自然,处理二进制文件,以字节级访问文件,这个方法相当于 readLines() 方法了 byteList = new File("foo.bin").readBytes(); byteList.each { println it; } 1. 2. 3. ...
reader.read(buffer) return buffer } println reader//输出hello,world 这里是北京 an 如何拷贝文件? 我们写一个方法,把刚才的文件拷贝到另一个文件中去,代码如下: def copy(String sourcePath, String destPath) { try { //1 创建目标文件 def destFile = new File(destPath) if (!destFile.exists())...
setBody(readXMLFileToString(pathToXML)) // Execute script script.processData(msgIn) // Display results of script in console println("Body:\r\n" + msgIn.getBody()) def String readXMLFileToString(String path) { ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); InputStream inputStream...
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