For example, let’s read a file line by line and print each line. We’ll also return the number of lines: int readFileLineByLine(String filePath) { File file = new File(filePath) def line, noOfLines = 0; file.withReader { reader -> while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null...
10. …… 再重复一下,其他 Groovy 对 的扩展方法请参考。 如 eachDir()、eachDirMatch()、eachDirRecurse()、eachFileMatch()、filterLine()、 newInputStream()、newOutputStream()、newReader()、newPrintWriter()、 withInputStream(...
第一种方法:使用 eachLine() //1.1 new 一个Filedef file =newFile(filepath)//1.2 groovy对文件的遍历file.eachLine {//打印每一行内容line ->printlnline }//输出hello,world 这里是北京 andorid and ios are good system 第二种方法:使用File的getText() def content = file.getText()printlncontent//... buffer } println(reader)// <?xml version =“1.0” //写文件def writer = file.withWriter {闭包} //文件拷贝,groovy会自己关闭流 def results = copy('../ .. /hello-groovy.iml','..///hello-groovy32.iml')println(results)// true或false def copy(String sourcePath,Stri... For example by reading your file line by line, and then split each line with the separator you use into your CSV file. It will provide you a list of items for your line. To go further, you can also declare a specific class for ...
int fileRecordNumber = 0 new File(fileName).withReader { reader -> def csvReader = new CSVReader(reader, this.fieldSeparator.charAt(0)) if (isFirstLineHeader) { def csvFieldNames = csvReader.readNext() as ArrayList<String> csvReader.each { fieldsByNumber -> ...
writer.writeLine(line) } } writer.close() def createFile(path,createIfNotExist){ def file = new File(path); if( !file.exists() ){ if(createIfNotExist){ if(!file.getParentFile().exists()){ file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } file.createNewFile(); }else{ throw NullPointerException("...
groovy/groovy-windows-installerPublic archive Notifications Fork6 Star12 Code Issues Files Data Java Tests Wiki EnvVarUpdate.nsh JavaTest.nsi LICENSE ReadmeFirst.txt fileassociation.ini griffonbuilders.txt header.bmp setup.nsi uninstall-groovy.ico ...
The Github mirror is read-only and provides convenience to users and developers to explore the code and for the community to accept contributions via Github pull requests. Simplygit clonethe repo (or the repo you forked via the github website) and you will have the complete source. ...
taught by a certified specialist. To say it was enlightening would be an understatement. Awesomely eye opening is more in line with what it was. Absolutely nothing like I expected. Our class was first walked through the steps of connecting ourselves with all that is around us. We sat on ou...