This journal has been around for a while (since 1992, to be exact) and was the first grief journal for teens that I ever saw. This book is a grief journal in the truest sense. It revolves around the death and includes prompts for remembering the person who died, resolving complex emotio...
"Hodgson’s gentle, fact-based approach is evident in the doodling prompts. This is a wonderful kids’ book—a creative outlet for children to process their grief." —Dr. Heidi Horsley, Executive Director of the Open to Hope Foundation ...
of communities who have historically been underrepresented in the grief world. The series is part of an ongoing collaboration betweenDougyCenter andThe New York Life Foundation.We are deeply grateful for New York Life Foundation's tireless support and advocacy forchildren and teens who are grieving....
For today’s prompt, complete the following sentences in your journal. • As my grief changes, I am worried that….I will be seen as having gotten over losing Jacob. As my grief changes those emotions will still be intense as before just not as often. • I hope to let go of the...
Grab your journal or open a new document on your computer and use the following prompts as inspiration for some free-writing: Write about a person you miss, whether they are gone from this life or are simply someone you have lost touch with. What do you miss most about them? What memori...