GRASP-VIBE及CoilShim在甲状腺结节诊断中的应用-第二届磁共振微信病例大赛40号作品 磁共振爱好者 影享国际 2021-04-13 06:37 对于甲状腺这样易受生理运动及磁敏感伪影影响的器官,在MANGETOM Vida全新的平台上,是如何应对的? 来自东南...
应用在腹部是自由呼吸动态增强扫描,GRASP-VIBE: 英文全称Golden-angle RAdial Sparse Paralled黄金角径向稀疏并行采样,这个名字基本上就涵盖了该技术所有的核心技术。VIBE即volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination容积内插屏气扫描,用西门子的老司机都知道。 该技术从2007年就被提出一直到现在,如今已并非一家独有(...
MAGNETOM Vida with Compressed Sensing GRASP-VIBE产品名称,K173617申请号,510k申请类型,Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.申请人,数据来源于药智数据美国上市器械数据库。
StarVIBE is a 3D spoiled gradient echo pulse sequence with a stack-of-stars k -space trajectory. A radial acquisition is performed in-plane with Cartesian phase encoding through-plane. This approach tolerates moderate undersampling and is motion robust. The utility of StarVIBE, in terms of ana...
Corporate travel data and analytics provider Grasp Technologies has partnered with off-channel booking capture specialist Traxo to offer Grasp clients a more complete picture of travel booking activity and spending.
aPlease note that ship mode will be set as mandatory field in booking module on May 19, 2014 which is applied to all customers. If it is missing, origins will be restricted to confirm booking that block by VIBE validation. Sorry for late notice. 请注意:船方式在被运用于所有顾客2014的5月...
or a dark-side-of-reddit vibe that invites trollery (vrchat). the problem, though, isn’t such metaphorical boundaries—it’s literal ones. none of these puddles touch. you can’t hop from rec room to vrchat; you’re stuck where you started. that’s why it’s hard to feel truly ...
or a dark-side-of-reddit vibe that invites trollery (vrchat). trending now the problem, though, isn’t such metaphorical boundaries—it’s literal ones. none of these puddles touch. you can’t hop from rec room to vrchat; you’re stuck where you started. that’s why it’s hard to ...