public | postgres s1 | postgres s2 | postgres (3 rows)t1=# create user u1 password ‘123456';CREATE ROLE t1=# create user u2 password ‘123456';CREATE ROLE t1=# grant all privileges on schema s1 to u1;GRANT t1=# grant all privileges on schema s2 to u1;GRANT t1=# \c - u1 You ...
GRANT ALL ON kinds TO manuel; 兼容性 SQL92 SQL92 GRANT 语法允许对表中的某单独列/字段设置权限,并且允许设置一权限以赋予别人相同权限. GRANT privilege[, ...] ON object[ ( column[, ...] ) ] [, ...] TO { PUBLIC | username[, ...] } [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] 这些字段与 Postgres 实现...
拒绝架构公共权限 因此,您需要(至少)模式public的CREATE权限,可以直接使用,也可以通过授予PUBLIC的方式...
Use the ALL option to grant all privileges on a table to the role. Second, provide the name of the table after the ON keyword. Third, indicate the name of the role to which you want to grant privileges. PostgreSQL GRANT statement examples First, use the postgres user to connect to the...
SELECT'grant select, insert, update, delete on '||tablename||' to depesz;'FROMpg_tablesWHEREschemaname='public'; now, we just need a way to make postgres run the queries. there are 2 basic approaches, shell-based, or (simple) function based. ...
...]ON object [ ( column [, ...] ) ] [, ...]TO { PUBLIC | username [, ...] } [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]这些字段与 Postgres 实现是兼容的,除了下面一些例外:privilege SQL92 允许声明附加的权限:SELECT REFERENCES 允许在一个声明的表的整合约束中使用某些或全部列/字段.USAGE ...
1. 授予用户 SELECT 权限: GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO user; 2. 授予用户 INSERT、UPDATE 权限: GRANT INSERT, UPDATE ON table_name TO user; 3. 授予用户所有权限: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON table_name TO user; 4. 授予用户在所有表上的所有权限: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO user; 5. 授...