2、修改用户只读事务属性 ALTER USER <readonlyuser> SET default_transaction_read_only=on; 3、设置USAGE权限给到<readonlyuser> GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public to <readonlyuser>; 注意:其中public是指定的SCHEMA,可以根据实际情况更改。 4、在对应的数据库中,授予权限,如select GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN...
SELECT'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA '||schemaname||' TO readonly_user;'as"GrantStatement"FROM(SELECTDISTINCT(table_schema)ASschemanameFROMinformation_schema.tablesWHEREtable_schemaNOTIN('pg_catalog','information_schema')ORDERBYtable_schema ) t; (5)授予 SELECT 权限 最后,你需要为只读用户授予对特定表的 ...
格式: revoke {权限} on {对象} from {账号}; 例子: 从someone账号收回popo模式下user表的查询权限 revoke select on popo.user from someone; 例子2: 从someone账号收回popo模式下所有表的查询权限 revoke select on all tables in schema popo from someone; 详细解释: REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { { ...
ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO rptusr; SET ROLE none; 再次检查是否创建了默认权限: 1 \ddp 这将返回: 我们可以看到创建了默认访问权限,该权限将为在模式中创建的任何表授予SELECT(读取)角色权限。为了验证它是否有效,我们现在可以创建一个新表并尝试从中查询,因为无需使用...
4、授予某个用户select on all tables in schema XX时,需要先对用户授权usage访问schema XX,否则会出现报错Invalid operation: permission denied for schema XX; grant usage on schema s9 to owner_2; grant select on all tables in schema s9 to owner_2; ...
To do that, you can grant the SELECT privilege on all tables in the public schema like this: GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA "public" TO reader; So far, you have learned how to grant privileges on tables. To grant privileges to a role on other database objects, check the GRANT...
1、创建只读角色CREATE ROLE readaccess;2、授予对现有表的访问权限GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO readaccess;GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO readaccess;3、授予后面新增表的访问权限ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public 访问权限 用户权限 用户授权 数据库 连接数 转载 mob604756fa220...
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA other_schema TO readonly; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA other_schema grant select on tables to readonly; 5.2 一个权限规划的例子 DBA可以为某个独立应用建一个独立的database和一个用户,并指定此数据库的属主为这个用户,这个用户我们可以称之为应用的root用户:...
1. */20 * * * * /usr/bin/psql -d tenant_1011046 -q -t -c "GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO ltnfan;" 1. 2.must be owner of relation Alter table tb_door owner to myuser; 1. 用一个例子来演示会更加清晰
//最后一条命令就是授予初始权限grantselectonalltablesinschema abctotest;grantusageonschema abctotest;alterdefaultprivilegesinschema abcgrantselectontablestotest; AI代码助手复制代码 查看默认权限 授权完成,通过pg_default_acl表查看默认权限 // 查看初始权限select*frompg_catalog.pg_default_acl; ...