grant select on all tables in schema public to username;此句是有效的复制语句 PG中有schema的概念,以下的语句就是不⾏ ⽹上得来终觉浅,错误⽐较多,还是要⾃⼰试试才⾏。补充:postgresql关于访问视图需要的权限 某个⽤户访问⼀个视图,这个⽤户需要具备这个视图的schema的usage和这个视图本...
LINE 1: select * from s2.view1; t1=> \c - postgres You are now connected to database “t1” as user “postgres”. t1=# grant usage on schema s2 to u2; GRANT t1=# \c - u2 You are now connected to database “t1” as user “u2”. t1=> select * from s2.view1; ERROR: p...
To do that, you can grant the SELECT privilege on all tables in the public schema like this: GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA "public" TO reader; So far, you have learned how to grant privileges on tables. To grant privileges to a role on other database objects, check the GRANT...
在一个 COPY FROM 后设置序列: CREATE FUNCTION distributors_id_max() RETURNS INT4 AS 'SELECT max(id) FROM distributors' LANGUAGE 'sql'; BEGIN; COPY distributors FROM 'input_file'; SELECT setval('serial', distributors_id_max()); END; 兼容性 SQL92 CREATE SEQUENCE是 Postgres 语言扩展.在 SQL92...
select'grant select, insert, update, delete on '||tablename||' to depesz;'frompg_tableswhereschemaname='public'; now, we just need a way to make postgres run the queries. there are 2 basic approaches, shell-based, or (simple) function based. ...
GRANT privilege[, ...] ON object[ ( column[, ...] ) ] [, ...] TO { PUBLIC | username[, ...] } [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] 这些字段与 Postgres 实现是兼容的,除了下面一些例外: privilege SQL92 允许声明附加的权限: SELECT REFERENCES ...
public | mytable | {=r/postgres,miriam=arwdRxt/postgres,"group todos=arw/postgres"} (1 row) \z显示的条目解释如下: =xxxx -- 赋予 PUBLIC 的权限 uname=xxxx -- 赋予一个用户的权限 group gname=xxxx -- 赋予一个组的权限 r -- SELECT ("读") ...
我正在尝试第一次创建一个Postgres数据库。我为必须从我的PHP脚本访问数据库的数据库角色分配了基本的只读权限,并且我有一个疑问:如果我执行GRANT some_or_all_privileges ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA schema TO role; 还需要执行这... databasepostgresqlschemasql-grantdatabase-permissions ...