grant select on all tables in schema public to username;此句是有效的复制语句 PG中有schema的概念,以下的语句就是不⾏ ⽹上得来终觉浅,错误⽐较多,还是要⾃⼰试试才⾏。补充:postgresql关于访问视图需要的权限 某个⽤户访问⼀个视图,这个⽤户需要具备这个视图的schema的usage和这个视图本...
GRANTALLONALL TABLESINSCHEMA"public"TOjoe; 3) Grant SELECT on all tables Sometimes, you want to create a readonly role that can only select data from all tables in a specified schema. To do that, you can grant theSELECTprivilege on all tables in thepublicschema like this: ...
GRANT privilege[, ...] ON object[ ( column[, ...] ) ] [, ...] TO { PUBLIC | username[, ...] } [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] 这些字段与 Postgres 实现是兼容的,除了下面一些例外: privilege SQL92 允许声明附加的权限: SELECT REFERENCES ...
grantall privileges权限grant赋予权限 sys用户下:grantselect on v_$mustat to tkyte;(使用户tkyte可以搜索表v$mystat)以下为Oracle学习笔记一 Oracle Blog 创建表 系统权限 当前用户 转载 lemon 6月前 18阅读 MysqlGrant权限(WITHGRANTOPTION) ...
Let us check the list of tables present in the Postgres database by firing the \dt command. Now, we have to give insert privilege to the Payal user on the team’s table. Code: GRANT INSERT ON TABLE teams TO payal; Output: Now, after firing the select command for privilege checking. ...
GRANT select (r_reason_sk, r_reason_id) ON tpcds.reason TO joe ; 将数据库postgres的连接权限授权给用户joe,并给予其在postgres中创建schema的权限: GRANT create,connect on database postgres TO joe ; 将模式tpcds的访问权限授权给角色tpcds_manager,并授予该角色在tpcds下创建对象的权限,不允许该...