Another option would be to deactivate the whole sidecar for auto loading datasources in your values.conf. If you have only a single datasource or you manage them via a static config that would work. The proposed way is to set it up with an Ingress, that is why nobody is interested in...
Docker Datasource(s)? No response Can you provide an example docker compose file to reproduce this? Here is one I am using and it works just fine (at least on mac silicon locally, docker: 27.4.0 via docker desktop) services: grafana: container_name: grafana image: grafana/grafana:11.5.1...
经过验证grafana的升级可以从v5.x直接升级到v8.x,只是需要对数据库进行手动修改。 yum update grafana-8.0.4-1.x86_64.rpm 1. 8.重启grafana-server sudo systemctl start grafana-server 1. 9.安装插件 sudo grafana-cli plugins install grafana-simple-json-datasource grafana-cli plugins install natel-inf...
登录 配置数据源 点击Add Data source 新增数据源 Grafana默认支持的数据库列表 以增加要给influxdb数据库实例为例 仪表盘配置 点击左上角的grafana logo,再点击home面板,进入dashboard配置页面 从这个界面可以看出,每个Dashboar... UFLDL Tutorial - Supervised Learning and Optimization ...
With the recent Grafana v5.4 you can tailor MySQL datasource connection properties that may help you, see max open, idle, lifetime in docs. Your instance should be automatically upgraded to v5.4 eventually. Installing/upgrading a plugin will upgrade your instance to v5.4 now. thingwizard D...
lvl=eror msg=“Zabbix authentication error” logger=plugins.backend pluginId=alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource error=“context canceled”lvl=eror msg=“Metric request error” logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin error=“failed to query data: Failed to query data: rpc error: code = ...
- **DataSourceAPI:** Add adhoc filters to DataQueryRequest and make it not depend on global templateSrv. [#75552](, [@torkelo]( - **Playlist:** Remove unused/deprecated api and unused wrapper. [#75503](https...
"serviceName":"GrafanaDatasource", "type":"grafana" } } Data source proxy calls GET /api/datasources/proxy/:datasourceId/* Proxies all calls to the actual datasource. Organisation Get current Organisation GET /api/org Example Request: ...
print(f"Failed to update dashboard '{title}': {response.text}") def add_panel(panel_type, title, query): """添加新的面板到仪表板""" return { "type": panel_type, "title": title, "datasource": "Prometheus", "targets": [
The status attribute can be one of the following values:created,running,success,failed, andcanceled. View labels The GitLab data source allows you to query forlabelsfrom a specific project. Select the resource type: Use the dropdown and select theLabelsresource type. ...