108 reporting_enabled = true 109 110 # Set to false to disable all checks to https://grafana.net 111 # for new vesions (grafana itself and plugins), check is used 112 # in some UI views to notify that grafana or plugin update exists 113 # This option does not cause any auto updat...
logger=grafana.update.checker t=2023-08-17T20:00:58.079600776Z level=error msg=“Update check failed” error=“failed to get latest.json repo from github.com: Get "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grafana/grafana/main/latest.json\”: dial tcp: lookup raw.githubusercontent.com: i/o time...
logger=grafana.update.checker t=2024-03-07T09:12:20.616170181Z level=error msg="Update check failed" error="failed to get stable version from grafana.com: Get "https://grafana.com/api/grafana/versions/stable\": EOF" duration=7.484706ms logger=infra.usagestats t=2024-03-07T09:12:58.59503511...
🔕Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box This PR was generated byMend Renovate. View therepository job log. renovatebotaddeddependenciesUpgrade or downgrade of project dependencies.no-staleThis issue or ...
Failed string NotSpecified string Succeeded string Updating string PublicNetworkAccess 指出透過公用介面啟用或停用流量的狀態。 展開資料表 名稱類型Description Disabled string Enabled string ResourceSku 展開資料表 名稱類型Description name string Security Grafana 安全性設定 展開資料表 名稱類型Descrip...
Grafana / Server Error Failed to get settings Check the Grafana server logs for the detailed error message. Please checkout the screenshot: Grafana_Server_Error1920×1080 66.7 KB We use Elasticsearch as datasource, is there any way to check logs? Or could you please help us with this? Di...
The status message states that the role assignment update isn't permitted. The user isn't a subscription owner. If the resource deployment succeeded and the role assignment failed, ask someone with Owner or Administrator access control over your subscription to: Assign the Monitoring reader role at...
### Check script invocation options ### while getopts "$OPTSPEC" optchar; do case "$optchar" in h) show_help exit ;; p) DASH_DIR="$OPTARG";; t) HOST="$OPTARG";; k) KEY="$OPTARG";; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;...
{ "RequestId": "6849D41E-EED4-5C00-89F9-6047BBD9DCB4", "PromClusterList": [ { "UpdateTime": 0, "CreateTime": 0, "UserId": "1247285**", "Options": "{'Option': ['betaTestApproved']}", "IsControllerInstalled": true, "AgentStatus": "INSTALL_FAILED", "Extra": "{\\\"app...
- **Auth:** Check id token expiry date. [#69829](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/69829), [@akselleirv](https://github.com/akselleirv) - **Alerting:** Update Discord settings to treat 'url' as a secure setting. [#69588](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/69588)...