{"error":{"message":"Datasource AAAAAAAAA was not found"}} 问题原因:对应的 Datasource 的 Id 错误,导致 Grafana 无法导出,需要通过手动修正 Grafana 的 Json 模型,从而可以导出。 1. 找到正确的 Datasource 的 uid 点击Dashboards 的 Browse 选项卡,点击新建 Dashboard: 新建Dashboard 点击Add as new ...
1. 找到正确的 Datasource 的 uid 点击Dashboards 的 Browse 选项卡,点击新建 Dashboard: 点击Add as new panel,新建一个 Panel: 选择Prometheus 对应的 Datasource,任意编写一个 PromQL 后点击 Apply 保存: 点击Dashboard 的设置按钮: 在设置中选择JSON Model: 找到对应的JSON Model中的targets中的datasource里...
立即体验 在Grafana中导入json文件时,有时会遇到“Templating Failed to upgrade legacy queries Datasource xxx not found”的错误。这个错误通常意味着Grafana无法找到指定的数据源(Datasource)。要解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 确认数据源存在:首先,请确保你要导入的json文件中引用的数据源在你的Grafana实...
前言 编辑或者修改后的dashboard保存为json文件,在其他环境导入使用,报错Failed to upgrade legacy queries Datasource xxxxxxx was not found,无法显示监控数据 问题原因为:从其他grafana导出的dashboardjson文件中,数据源是写的固定的,如果当前要显示的监控数据的数据源名称跟这个不同,就会报错。 解决 将json文件中所有...
Describe the bug Grafana 5.4配置Data Sources错误提示“HTTP error Not Found” Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. Screenshots Desktop (please complete the following information): Centeros 7.4 Grafana ...
打开该dashboard 后报 Failed to upgrade legacy queries Datasource xxxxxxx was not found,无法显示监控数据 因为从其他grafana 导出的dashboard数据源是写死的,当前的监控数据数据源跟导入的数据源不同,所以错误,无法正常显示数据。 解决:直接修改json文本中"datasource": 为正确值 ...
after updating the data source in the alert rule edit page - which data source is obviously available as it shows the metrics in the graph in the alert (see screenshot below) -, it still doesn't allow saving the rule with the "failed to build query 'A': data source not found" ...
prometheus上面有数据,在grafana导入模板后无数据,错误提示Templating init failed Datasource named prometheus was not found image.png 问题解决: 出现这种情况请确认默grafanadatasources promtheus的数据源名称。 image.png 我这边是大写,默认官方的模板是小写的数据源。 把官方模板修改为你对应的prometheus数据源Name...
grafana data source没有redis redis can not get resource 经历描述: 在一次springboot项目里使用Redis做缓存,记录某网页访问次数的时,连接异常,一直报 redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool at redis.clients.util.Pool.getResource(Pool.java:53)...
Hi, guys. Sorry to bother you with this, but I just cannot figure this one out. I am testing Grafana Loki in a Docker Compose setup, but not seeing any data ingested into Grafana dashboard. I am trying my hardest to find any hints as to where ingestion is blocked, but with no luck...