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By highlighting questions such as “how did others solve a particular (engineering) problem?”, “how does the given solution work?”, and “how was the given solution designed in that way?”, undergraduate students can realize that all technologies are the result of an engineering design ...
questions in the interview guide were open-ended and allowed for follow-up questions and free dialogue. Questions tapped into the participants’ experiences with attending the camp, starting out with open questions like “How was your experience with the learning camp?”, “What was the best ...
Interact. 2023, 7, 34 3 of 21 questions and ideas. These findings are consistent with the findings of Tirado-Morueta, Maraver-Lopez and Hernado-Gomez [26]. Kapur and Kinzer [27] analyzed the problem-solving strategies in CSCL. Their study showed that students solving ill-structured problems...