借助Google 学术搜索,您可以轻松地大范围搜索学术文献。搜索范围囊括众多知识领域和来源:文章、论文、图书、摘要和法院判决意见书。
We propose a new data source (Google Scholar) and metric (Hirsch's h-index) to assess journal impact in the field of economics and business. A systematic comparison between the Google Scholar h-index and the ISI Journal Impact Factor for a sample of 838 journals in economics and business ...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to measure the coverage of Google Scholar for the Library and Information Science (LIS) journal literature as identified by a list of core LIS journals from a study by Schloegl and Petschnig (2005). Methods: We checked every article from 35 major LIS...
Google Scholar Citations and Google Web/URL Citations: A Multi-Discipline Exploratory Analysis (2007). Google Scholar citations and Google Web/URL citations: A multi-‐ discipline exploratory analysis. Journal of the American Society for ... K Kousha,M Thelwall - 《Journal of the Associat...
谷歌学术:2018学术影响力排名前100名期刊!8月2日,Google Scholar发布了2018年最新的学术期刊影响力排名。在这个排名中,Nature期刊以h5指数达到362而位居榜首,The New England Journal of Medicine和Science分别位居第2和第3位,其
今日推荐:Google Scholar+DOI+Scilit+ Crossref+其他被动检索International Journal of Energy (ISSN: 2957-9473) 追逐梦想的孩子 从事中英文刊物发表,具有众多独家高质稀缺版面资源,共同学习。IJE 发表研究文章、文献综述文章、社论等。欢迎来自能源科学和工程各个领域的投稿。典型主题包括但不限于以下领域:替代交通燃料...
65% of the journals are ranked on the Journal Quality List, 69th Edition (Harzing2022) in Finance and Accounting, Economics, and International Business. Furthermore, they will be included in the Top 50 SCimago Journal Rank (2022) in finance, multidisciplinary science, and artificial intelligence...
谷歌学术跟踪近四亿份学术论文和其他学术文献的引用信息,Google Scholar是世界上最大的数据库,旨在衡量近期出版物的“知名度和影响力” 本次最新谷歌学术顶级影响力排行榜前7名,论文内容涵盖人工智能、深度学习、引力波... 2019年8月2日,刚刚发布的Google Scholar排名最高引用的出版物揭示了围绕人工智能(AI)展开的研...
2019年8月2日,刚刚发布的Google Scholar排名最高引用的出版物揭示了围绕人工智能(AI)展开的研究。 在“自然”杂志中被引用次数最多的五篇论文中,其中三篇与人工智能有关,其中一篇与超过16,000篇引文相关。 随着世界顶级人工智能会议之一 -计算机视觉与模式识别(CVPR)的IEEE / CVF会议 - 的出版物今年首次登上今年...
the middle of each year I publisha list of journals in conservation and ecology rankedaccording to amulti-index algorithm we developed back in 2016. The rank I release coincides with the release of the Web of Knowledge Impact Factors, various Scopus indices, and the Google Scholar journal ...