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此外,google scholar的页面还会给出每年引用次数的变化,你会看到,庄小威的影响力在逐年提升。如果你是一个科学基金的评审人员,面对一个科学家,你可能会想用它的H-index作为参考,因为它告诉了你这个科学家在行业内到底影响力如何,它这些年里是否活跃。我不是建议用H-index作为唯一标志,因为公正评价...
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Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Scopus, Dimensions, Web of Science, and OpenCitations' COCI: a multidisciplinary comparison of coverage via citations New sources of citation data have recently become available, such as Microsoft Academic, Dimensions, and the OpenCitations Index of CrossRef open...
Comparison of the H-Index of Researchers in Google Scholar and Scopus Using R and Python Language (2013). H Index Communication Journals accord- ing to Google Scholar Metrics (2008-2013). EC3 Reports, 10. Disponible en http:// dig ibug.ugr.es ... AF Rochim,A Muis,RF Sari 被引量: ...
写论文要从Google Scholar里找引用,结果登录不进去。解决办法是卸载v/ p n,但问题我卸载了连登Google都登不了[微笑]
If you already have Scholar PDF Reader, it will be updated, sometime over the next week or so, to include AI outlines. You can also update the Reader yourself by going to the Chrome Extensions page (enterchrome://extensionsin the address bar), enabling “Developer mode” on the top righ...
This fact indicates an obvious disadvantage for a scholar who is evaluated through the aforementioned tools in which the analysis of the citations plays a key role. Moreover, the present paper shall also discuss other minuses of the higher education system in which certain...
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