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This paper stands out not just because of its high number of citations, but because there was a difference of more than 10,000 between its citation count and the second most-citedNaturepaper in the 2019 Google Scholar Metrics report. Authored by 2018 Turing Award winners, Yann LeCun, Yoshua...
生物医学文献引文检索的数据库 SCI Scifinder Scholar Google Scholar CSCD CNKI CMCI 如何利用SCI数据库检索论文 被引用情况 检索途径1:利用“General Search”(一般检索); 检索途径2:利用“Cited Ref Search”(引文检索)。 检索SCI引用 —— 示例 检索举例:检索来茂德2004年发表在“biochemical and biophysical ...
Google scholar 固然好,却也经常搜索出来好多结果,需要手动去寻找需要的结果。保罗艾伦投资的人工智能研究所 The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence(AI2)发布一款新的学术搜索引擎 Semantic Scholar,结合了自然语言处理和计算机视觉,以追求更精确和简单的匹配。虽然现在数据库里只有计算机科学的文章,其他领域用不...
谷歌学术跟踪近四亿份学术论文和其他学术文献的引用信息,Google Scholar是世界上最大的数据库,旨在衡量近期出版物的“知名度和影响力” 本次最新谷歌学术顶级影响力排行榜前7名,论文内容涵盖人工智能、深度学习、引力波... 2019年8月2日,刚刚发布的Google Scholar排名最高引用的出版物揭示了围绕人工智能(AI)展开的研...
let google scholar help you! google scholar is an online search engine developed by google that enables you to find and access scholarly literature. the service includes journal articles, books, dissertations and other academic documents published on the web or in print. it is designed to help ...
Google Scholar Related Topics Top Ten Tools for Learning 2011 Experiencing eLearning OCTOBER 23, 2011 Google Search has never been on my list before, but it really should have been. Google is one of the first places I go when I need to learn something specific. I use Google Scholar ...
let google scholar help you! google scholar is an online search engine developed by google that enables you to find and access scholarly literature. the service includes journal articles, books, dissertations and other academic documents published on the web or in print. it is designed to help ...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to measure the coverage of Google Scholar for the Library and Information Science (LIS) journal literature as identified by a list of core LIS journals from a study by Schloegl and Petschnig (2005). Methods: We checked every article from 35 major LIS...
摘要:综合性搜索引擎很难满足用户的专业搜索要求,而像Scirus和Google Scholar这样的专业科学搜索引擎弥补了其检索专业信息的很多缺陷。本文主要对两种搜索引擎的收录范围、检索功能、查询结果及其不足等方面进行对比分析。 关键词:搜索引擎,专业搜索引擎,Scirus,Google Scholar ...